Chapter 1

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So this is the first real chapter the part before this was just so you know what happened/how she got the tickets. 

I couldn’t believe it in less than 48 hours I would be seeing One Direction in concert, with my best friends of coarse. We were all meeting at my house and then leaving to drive to the hotel. Thinking of meeting, there was just a knock, more like banging, on the front door letting me know that my friends had arrived. 

“HEY!! HEY!!” Julianna screamed on my face as I opened the door revealing her, Leighann, and Zayna. They all came in and headed for my room to make sure we had everything and then leave. I walked into my room after everyone else to find my bed was occupied by Julianna and Leighann, my chair by zayna and the floor being the only option to sit. But being me i just walked over and sat on Julianna. But quickly ended up lying on the floor. 

“So whats the plan? For the rest of these 3 days?” Leighann asked everyone, mainly me.

“Ok so the concert is tomorrow night. We’re driving to the hotel this afternoon/tonight. We’re checking in to the hotel. Then the next day we’re going to be getting ready for concert, obviously. And the concert is at 7 so we’re leaving the hotel at 5:30. even though the hotel is literally not even 5 minutes away. The day after the concert we’re going to actually go to the park. Then we’re going back to the hotel, sleeping, and leaving to come back in the morning any questions?” I explained to everyone the plan and they all seemed to agree with this plan. 

“Does everyone have everything they’re going to need?” Julianna asked us. Her being the organized one and always planning ahead while I only organized to an extent. 

“Yeah I think so” Zayna answered. 

“Pretty sure” Leighann piped in. 

“Hopefully, probably” I replied. 

“Go double check you have every thing.” Julianna ordered, really only to me. 

“Ei i cappen!” I answered as i crawled over to my bags to check gaining a shut up look from Julianna that quickly changed to laughing. I Looked through my bags and saw everything I would need and a little extra. 

“I’m pretty sure I got everything I’m gonna need and a little extra ok mom” I exaggerated the mom part causing a pillow to be thrown at me. 

“This means war!!” I screamed and charged toward Julianna. I launched myself on to the bed landing half on Zayna half on Julianna. I grabbed a pillow and whacked Julianna in the head then Leighann joined the party and jumped on me whacking me. After 10 minutes of our pillow fight Zayna landed on the floor, then me, Leighann and Julianna. We were all laughing hysterically and gripping our stomachs. 

“Ok ok enough. I’m hungry and thirsty.. lets eat and then get ready to leave.” I said in between breaths trying to stop laughing. I heard a chorus of ‘me too’s and stood up walking to the kitchen to find food. 


"How much longer do I have to sit with Zayna's arm in my rib cage" Julianna yelled to the front. 

"Only a little while until we're at the hotel.. Probably about 20 minutes or so. Can you handle that?" I screamed back laughing a bit. 

"I can't deal with this any longer! I'm waking her up... ZAYNA GET UP!!" Julianna screamed right next to her ear. Leighann and I erupted into a fit of laughter. But I quickly stopped because well I was driving. 

"Huh? Wah? Are we here?! Did I miss it?!" Zayna sat straight up and looked around. Once again we all laughed a bit. 

"No you didn't miss it. But we're almost at the hotel so if you don't wanna miss it I suggest you stay awake" I replied. Then I saw a sign reading Hampton inn and suites 5 miles Hershey park 5 miles. 

"5 miles!" I screamed out in warning to the girls. I heard a bunch of cheers and I smile made its way to my face that I was sure wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked. We all got out and walked inside to the desk. After I got the room keys we went back to the car, grabbed all our stuff, and headed back to our room. 

"What floor is it again?" Someone asked from the corner of the elevator. 

"4" I replied to no one in particular. The elevator came to a stop and dinged as the doors opened. We all piled off and went down the hall to find our room number. 

"It's room 423" I told the girls. 419 420 421 422 423. I slid the key in the door and opened I to reveal a decent sized room with 2 queen beds, a TV, mini fridge, microwave, desk, couch, and a big bathroom. We all walked in and dropped our stuff. Literally. Then we collapsed on the beds. 

Yay! first real chapter is up! let me know what you think please? vote comment or both. dont be shy please tell me what youre thinking! it'd mean alot! 

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