Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*next morning*

I woke up to my phone blasting right next to my head.

"Hello? Oh hi mom. Yeah we're here. Yup checked in last night. No no one else is awake yet. I'll call you later. Bye mom"

I waited for her to hang up then looked at my phone. 8:03 it read. I groaned getting up going to the bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom and proceeded to wake up the others. I started with Leighann cause I knew she would be the easiest to wake. Once she was up I moved onto Zayna, her being the second easiest to wake. After some persuading she opened her eyes. Last was Julianna she would be the most difficult to wake. After trying almost everything I could think of the wake her she finally woke up when I threatened her with ice cold water above her head.

"Why did you wake us up so early" her tired morning voice asked.

"Number 1 it's not that early it's 8:30. Number 2 we have things to do people to see and places to go" I replied.

"We don't have anything we need to do at the moment so if you'll let me sleep" She challenged.

"Oh so you don't want any breakfast? Well ok then"


"No I want breakfast, I guess I'll get up" she groaned getting up dragging her feet to the bathroom. We all changed and went down to the car ready to go find breakfast. The hotel we were staying at had a free breakfast but it didn't really have what we all wanted and was over by the time we got down. We decided on McDonalds. I found the nearest one with the GPS and we drove off.

Once our hunger had been satisfied, we went back to the hotel to relax and get ready for the concert later. The concert was at 7, it took only really 5 minutes to get there but we were leaving to hotel between 5:30 and 6:00. It was now currently around 10. We had 7 and a half hours until the concert. Surely we could all wait 7 and a half hours, considering we've all waited a year, but it seemed like 7:00 would never get here. After doing random stuff for about 4 hours we all started to get ready.

(A/N Outfits in external link>>>>>>>>> theres 2 so look at both!)


"We're leaving in 10 minutes" I called to everyone. It was now 5:25, yeah I know we were supposed to leave in 5 but I still need 10 minutes and I'm sure no one was arguing an extra 5 minutes.

We all walked out of the hotel room, and down to my car. I unlocked the door to my dad's Ford Expedition, he let us borrow it because my car was too small for all of us and our stuff. Immediately I shoved to key in and started it up so it would cool down from sitting in the baking sun. Soon everyone filed in and we were set to go.

"Everyone have everything?" I asked double checking with the girls. I heard a reply of yeahs and yes' and pulled out. The GPS gave me directions, I didn't really need them because of all the road signs and that we were only about 5 minutes away, but I didn't completely trust myself after all I was a bit distracted. But who could blame me? After being suck in a line of cars for about a half hour then driving around the parking lot trying to find a good space I finally pulled into a space and turned off the car. I made sure I had everything I needed in my purse and stepped out with the other girls.


We made it to our seats without any issues. Our seats were on the side in the stands, they weren't front row or anything but gave a good view and I'm just happy that we're here. Honestly I wouldn't care if i had the worst seats I would still be here listening to my favorite band. live.

Within what seemed like no time it was packed and the sun was setting. I checked my iPhone and read it was 6:53 only 7 minutes until the concert started but about a half hour or so until the boys would be on. The next half hour flew by and soon enough it was silent for a second until Harry, Niall, Louis, Zany, and Liam appeared then screams erupted.

(A/N I'm not going to explain the concert. mainly cause i haven't been to one yet but yeah. maybe ill go back and add it later.)

I read the clock on the nightstand by the bed after finally getting back to the room. The concert was amazing, perfect, and just indescribable. I had the best time, already I feel a sore throat coming on. But it was most definitely worth it. Tomorrow we'll go to the park and then go home.

"That was completely amazing!" Zayna said as we all sat down on the beds.

"More than amazing" Leighann followed.

"Incredible!" Julianna screamed.

"Perfect" I said, earning some nodds with big smiles. I've been smiling pretty much the entire day, and last week, and I'll probably continue to smile for the rest of my life. This has been the most amazing, perfect day of my life.

"Its getting late" I said looking at my phone that read 12:47.

"But I'm not tired, I'm too hyped up."


"yeah me too"

"same here"

"I'm gonna shower real quick" I said grabbing my stuff and walking to the bathroom. I quickly showered and changed into a pair of shorts and a big t-shirt and walked out to find only Leighann still awake.

"They passed out 2 seconds after you shut the door." She informed me chuckling.

"figures" I muttered yawning.

"Im gonna grab a shower real quick" Leighann stood up, stretched and went to the bathroom.


Please let me know what you think dont be shy. I want opinions. and sorry it took me so long to update! i promise next chapter will be longer and better!

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