Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*next morning at Hershey park*

"Wow theres a lot of people here" Zayna said as we walked inside the park.

"yeah" Leighann replied.

"What ride do you wanna go on first?" Julianna questioned turning to us.

"Something big! Ferenheight! Before the line gets to long!" I suggested. The girls agreed and we started towards the huge orange ride.

"Good. the wait is only about 20 minutes, better than like an hour and 20 minutes later. lets go!"

*a few hours and a lot of rides later*

We were all in line for the ride, I'm not even sure what it was called, it was one near the back of the park with 2 lines. I think it was a race or something. Julianna, Leighann, and Zayna decided to go in one line and I decided to go on the other side. I was standing on the little dot waiting for the coaster to come back. when someone got on the dot behind me. I didn't pay much attention, I didn't really care that much. All I saw was it was a guy, a few inches taller than my 5'4'' self, with blonde hair wearing a snapback. The coaster came back and halted. I waited for the previous people to get out and for the little gate to open so i could clime in. I hopped in the seat on the right and the guy behind me got in the left seat. The bar came down and the coaster started moving. It hit the hill to climb and started slowly climbing. We reached the top and quickly went down the first drop. Then we came to the second hill leading to the next drop and suddenly the coaster screeched and stopped.

"oh great" I muttered to myself.

"Darn it" the guy next to me said in a surprising irish accent. I wasn't expecting that. Suddenly it clicked in my head, blonde, hot, guy, irish....Niall Horan. I internally screamed and looked to my right to hide my sudden emotion. After I calmed down a moment I turned towards Niall, the guy who was on the posters in my room, and decided we could have a conversation since it may be a little while.

"I think it might be a while" I said taking an awkward pause between it and might.

"Yeah probably" he replied looking towards me.

"Whats your name?" he asked.

"Sylvia" I replied, "Whats yours?"

"thats a really pretty name. and its .......Niall...." He took a minute to say, almost trying to decide if he should lie or not.

"Thanks." I smiled a little to much. I started to blush and I looked down at my feet.

"You're cute when you do that." Niall muttered most likely not wanting thinking I'd hear, but I did. Which made me blush more. I still can't believe I'm talking to Niall Horan, the boy who I most desperately wanted to meet. Internally I was debating weather or not to tell him I was a fan or not...

"You were great last night" I muttered. Semi hoping he would hear but wouldn't at the same time.

"You were at the show?" He said sorta quietly. " I mean thanks."

"Yeah I was at the show, and with my 3 best friends."

"So you're a fan?"

"Yeah" I replied a bit embarrassed so I looked down again. I heard him mutter something like 'wow she's cute and a fan' but I wasn't sure and I doubted that I of millions of other girls was cute.

(A/N The conversation will be marked with who is talking by S: and N: )

N: "Where are ya from?"

S: "New Jersey" I answered.

N: "I'm from Mullingar, Ireland" Niall's face lit up when he started talking about Ireland and his home.

N: "So tell me about yourself"

S: "Like what?"

N: "How old are you?"

S: "17. You?"

N: "19. Full name?"

S: "Sylvia Rose Clark. you?"

N: "Niall James Horan. Do you have any siblings?"

S: "Yeah a brother and a sister. How about you?"

N: "One brother. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

S: "I don't know, something with science and art or drawing but I'm not really sure about anything yet. you?"

N: "Football player or singer" Niall then started laughing the most infectious perfect laugh i've ever heard. Then I started laughing too. I quickly stopped because when I laugh I sound like I'm dying. I looked at my feet while he continued laughing. Then Niall noticed I had stopped laughing.

N: "You're laugh is adorable."

S: "really? Everyone says I sound like i'm dying" I said blushing still looking at my feet.

N: "Yeah honestly."

S: "Thanks. Your laugh is infectious and perfect"

N: "Thanks" Niall replied, and I saw a slight blush form on his cheeks. Wow, I made Niall, Niall Horan blush.

S: "I hope they get us moving soon, this is starting to get uncomfortable"

N: "I could sit here all day with you" I swear I heard Niall mutter. "Yeah me to" he quickly said to cover up.

Just then a speaker came on and said that they were sorry for the sudden stop, and that it would be about 20 minutes before they could get it working again.

N: "I guess it won't be to long"

S: "yeah..." I said slightly sad at the thought of not staying with Niall longer.

Niall looked like he was thinking and debating about something in his head. I took a chance and asked what he was thinking about.

N: "huh? oh.... uhhh.... well.. I was wondering if ya maybe wanted to go on some more ride with me or somethin...."

S: "........uh.... yeah.... that'd be nice" I was absolutely speechless. I couldn't believe what just happened.

N: "yeah it would. What are your plans for later?"

S: "well my friends and I are supposed to be headed home..."

N: "oh..."

S: "but we don't need to leave until later, I'm sure we could manage to stay an extra night" I quickly said.

N: "Really? that would be so great. I could help with the hotel or something if ya needed" he sounded so excited that i said we could stay another day. I have no clue how i'll manage it but i'd do anything.

S: " I hope this gets moving soon. Its starting to get uncomfortable now"

N: "Yeah it is. Here unbuckle the belt"

S: "thanks"

A few minutes later we started to move slowly. The coaster got back to the dock and we had to get out. I was relieved, but at the same time i was a little sad. We got out and walked down the exit ramp. The others were waiting in a little gift shop stand where the exit let out. I was a few steps ahead of him so I could find them and warn them. But soon enough he was next to me, and I had 3 shocked friends in front of me. "Guys, this is Niall, Niall this is Julianna, Leighann, and Zayna" I said motioning to each of them. Julianna gave me a look saying we NEED to talk "Niall, could you excuse us for one second?" I asked kindly. "Yeah sure" the 4 of us walked a few feet away and thats when a million questions came flying at me.

"what?" "How" "wow" were a few things said. "I'll explain it all later, all you guys need to know now is that we're staying an extra night, and I really, really like him. I think he might like me too" I said barely whispering. We walked back over to Niall, and he was finishing up a phone call.



Hi guys! sorry this took so long! im just trying to make it as good as possible! Id really appreciate feedback! dont be shy! i dont bite i promise! let me know what you think! The next chapter will be up soon possibly later because im not tired but im not sure! ok this has gotten long! if you read all this THANK YOU!! ok ive waisted enough of your time :) xx Syl

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