Chapter 15

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"Get away from me." I hissed, my voice barely above a whisper.

Alex was back to try to fool me again, and with the same trick no less! If his expression was any indication, he was stunned, but I didn't believe it for a moment.

"Raphaelle, it's me," he persuaded.

"Did you really think I would fall for the same trick twice?" I spat, pouring as much venom into my voice as possible.

"Raphaelle, I-" he began, taking a step towards me.

I scrambled backwards as best as I could with my injured arm, but winced when I accidently put pressure on it.

I fully expected him to continue advancing, but instead he froze right where he was. I could distinctly see pain in his eyes, and I wanted to comfort him so badly, but I told myself that this wasn't really Jim. I won't succumb to his trickery again!

He looked away from me for a moment. He stared at nothing in particular, the way he does when he's thinking through something. Hmph, so Alex researched the part a bit. Not bad, but not good enough! I thought. Then his face lit up as if he had gotten an idea.

He slowly and carefully walked along the edge of the cell until he was standing a few feet in front of me. I tensed up, waiting for him to lunge, but he just sat down and made himself as comfortable as possible on the hard wood floor.

He threw me a smile, though it was strained and filled with anguish. His smile was met with my heated glare. His face fell and he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

He turned his gaze back to me and another tiny grin graced his lips.

"Do you remember what yesterday was?" he asked.

I gave him a blank stare.

"What? You mean you forgot your own birthday?" he tried to joke. I didn't react in the slightest.

"Well, I didn't. And you know what other special occasion passed yesterday? The anniversary of the day I first met you," he stated.

I thought back a year ago and realized he was right. While I had been too busy being tortured by Alex to pay attention to the fact that it was my birthday, it had been present in the back of my mind. But I hadn't even realized that it was also the same day I'd met Jim when I was sent to this universe.

"I remember when I first saw you passed out on the side of the road," he said, staring into his lap in remembrance. "You looked so helpless and fragile and...beautiful. I normally don't help people, and you were this total stranger, but I felt something; something I'd never experienced before. I felt this strong urge to protect you."

I stared at him, but no longer with hatred. Even Alex, a sociopath and experienced liar, couldn't pull this off. Maybe this really is Jim, I thought. But there was still a part of me that was trying to protect me from further harm. And that part wasn't about to let me make the mistake of allowing him to get close again.

"You probably don't remember this, but that night I picked you up and carried you to the Inn. You fit so perfectly in my arms, and I couldn't help but feel a connection. And I didn't even know your name! But I made you a promise. I swore to you that I'd always keep you safe. I whispered it in your ear and assured you that you were safe in my arms. But I haven't kept that promise very well. I hope you can forgive me," he admitted.

I traveled back to the night I had made the wish. I remember being picked up and later learning that it had been Jim, and I distinctly recalled someone whispering to me, but I had been so out of it that I never actually heard what they said.

As much as I longed to believe that this really was Jim, my mind was still trying to protect itself and refused to accept anything until I was completely sure it was him. But I was definitely close to being convinced.

He reached into his pocket and started to pull something out. I tensed up, my senses on high alert once again. I saw it was a small, roundish object hastily wrapped in a burlap cloth. He stared at it and rolled it around in his hands before speaking again.

"I worked on this for a long time. There was supposed to be a big surprise birthday party and I was gonna give it to you then, but better late than never, right?" he said. He gently slid the wrapped object across the floor to me.

Not taking my eyes off him, I tentatively reached for it and held it in my hands. I unwrapped it to find a round box. It was a simple blue color, but a beautiful blue all the same. I studied the box to try to determine what it was. I found a button on the front and pressed it experimentally, discovering that it opened the lid. Two small figures rose out of the box and started slowly spinning in a circle to a song. It's a music box!

I listened to the notes of the melody and realized the music box was playing Part of Your World.

I examined the waltzing figures closely and recognized them as Jim and I. They looked exactly the way we had on the opening night of the new BenBow Inn. The detailing on the little figurines astounded me. I could see the happiness and joy I felt that night reflected in its tiny eyes and smile, and Jim's figurine looked just as handsome as he had that night.

As I admired the dancing figures, I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"It plays every song I've ever heard you sing. To change the song all you have to do is press the button that opens the lid," he said.

I lifted my gaze up from the music box to look at him; at Jim, for I knew it was truly him.

"Jim!" I sobbed, attempting to clumsily make my way towards him. I didn't have to though. He instantly crossed the distance between us and embraced me. I started crying over his shoulder.

"It's okay. You're alright. I've got you," Jim whispered, stroking his hand over my hair soothingly. "You're safe now."

I wanted to answer him but couldn't find my voice in between sobs.

I am safe, now that I'm with you. 

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