Chapter 19

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Jim stared at Raphaelle in horror. She was lying motionless on the ground, her back to him.

Having heard the loud gunshot, everyone had stopped what they were doing and turned to see what happened. They all had similar looks of shock on their faces, trying to process what had just happened. Silver's face was worse than everyone else's; it was a mixture of shock and devastation. But his expression slowly morphed into pure rage as he composed himself. His mechanical eye changed from yellow to red. He directed it towards Alex, who was smirking and still holding the smoking pistol. Silver raised his sword and nicked Alex's arm, drawing blood. He instantly switched out his sword for his mechanical hand and picked Alex up by his shirt collar. Using his other hand, he smeared Alex's blood onto the nearest rock structure. A bright light flashed in the center of the circle of stones, causing everyone to shield their eyes. When they opened them back up, there was a portal in front of them, revealing the world where Raphaelle had come from.

Still holding Alex in the air, Silver marched over to the portal.

"Let me go, you bloody pirate!" Alex shouted.

"Oh, I'll let yeh go! I'll let yeh go BACK TA WHERE YEH CAME FROM!" Silver yelled.

Silver flung Alex into the portal. The moment he passed through it, the portal vanished with another bright flash of light. Silver stood glaring at where it had just been for a moment before he turned back to Jim and Raphaelle. His expression changed to one of concern as he limped over to them.

Jim was kneeling on the ground, cradling Raphaelle in his arms.

"Raphaelle, wake up," Jim whispered, cupping her cheek in his hand and turning her face towards him.

Silver stopped right behind him, biting his lip anxiously. Morph floated over and gently nuzzled her face, cooing worriedly.

"Wake up," the little blob repeated softly.

Suddenly, Morph dove into her pocket and pulled something out. It was Raphaelle's music box. He dropped it in Jim's hand and hovered next to his face.

"What's dat?" Silver asked, peering over Jim's shoulder at the round blue box.

"It's the birthday present I made her; a music box," Jim explained. Morph chittered, pointing towards the box. Jim wasn't sure what Morph thought it could accomplish, but he didn't want to dishearten the little blob any more than he already was. So he pressed the button on the lid, opening up the box which prompted the figurines to pop out and music to play. It started to play the notes to My Heart Will Go On, the song Raphaelle had sung at the Inn just before all of this started.

As he stared at her unresponsive face and listened to the melody of the sad song, he couldn't keep his tears at bay any longer.

"Wake up! Raphaelle, wake up! Come back to me!" he cried out desperately, his voice cracking a bit due to the tightness in his throat.

Behind him, Silver also shed a tear. He didn't even bother trying to hide it or stop the ones he knew would soon follow. Morph bobbed beside him, tiny tears rolling down his gelatinous body.

Jim hung his head in grief, touching his forehead to hers so that his tears fell directly onto her face. Everyone else bowed their heads in respect. Silver took off his hat before bowing his head as well.

"Please, don't leave me," Jim whispered. "I can't live without you. I love you."


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