Chapter 20

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Everything was dark and I felt numb.

Where am I? Am I dead? I thought fearfully.

But then I felt intense pain in my side and knew that I couldn't be dead.

Someone was shouting, but my ears didn't seem to be working properly, so it was hard to make out what they were saying. I could barely hear music, and as I listened to it I recognized the melody as My Heart Will Go On. Something wet softly hit my face.

I opened my eyes a bit, and at first all I could see was bright light around a dark shape. As my eyes adjusted, I opened them up wider and my sight became clearer. I saw Jim's face bent over mine. His eyes were shut tight and he was crying. His tears were falling onto my face.

"Please, don't leave me," he whispered. "I can't live without you. I love you."

"Jim," I croaked, my voice strained for some odd reason.

His eyes shot open and he pulled his face back so he could stare down at me in shock. The tears were still pouring down his face.

"I'm not going anywhere," I whispered, giving him a small smile and reaching my hand up to cup his cheek.

A relieved smile erupted on his face and he hugged me close to him, continuing to cry over my shoulder, but this time with tears of joy.

I looked around and everyone's faces lifted when they saw that I was alright. Morph exploded into happy fireworks and buzzed around happily, coming over to briefly lick my face.

Jim released me from his hug and let me rest in his arms, the smile refusing to leave his lips. Amelia, Delbert, and Silver all came over to surround me, caring smiles on their faces.

I tried to sit up, but fell back with a gasp when I felt acute pain in my side.

"What's wrong?" Jim asked, a worried expression dissolving his smile.

I pressed my hand to my side and pulled it back covered in blood.

Captain Amelia picked up Alex's dropped pistol and examined it. She pulled the cartridge out, but instead of the usual laser-infused casings, there were metal bullets.

"Blast! The bloody pirate used metal bullets. How the devil did he come by such a relic?" Amelia said.

"Will she be alright?" Jim asked.

"We should get the bullet out of her as soon as possible," Delbert said as he adjusted his glasses, "but it will be tricky. Because bullets were made obsolete by lasers that don't leave any remnants in the body, very few people practice removing them anymore. I don't believe our ship's medical doctor has the tools or skills to do it."

"I've had some experience treatin' bullet wounds. Stand back now, stand back," Silver said, scooting over so that he kneeled beside me.

"Lass, I want yeh ta keep yer eyes on Jimbo and squeeze his hand," Silver instructed.

I grasped Jim's hand and looked up into his eyes. I heard the familiar clicking and whirring of Silver's mechanical hand changing to a different tool. Jim glanced at it and his eyes widened. Unable to quell my curiosity, I started to turn to look at it, but Jim used his other hand to hold my head in place and keep my gaze on him.

"Just look at me," he told me lovingly, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded and smiled back, though it was a nervous smile.

"Ready lass?" Silver asked.

"As I'll ever be," I replied, tensing up and bracing myself for what was to come.

Something entered my side and I felt an explosion of pain. I gasped, shutting my eyes tight and gritting my teeth. I squeezed Jim's hand so hard I thought I was gonna break his fingers. A whimper escaped my lips.

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