Chapter 11

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The Glacier sailed for four days straight but they didn't catch even a glimpse of the pirates. Jim was starting to get worried. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe we've been heading in the wrong direction this whole time, he thought nervously.

Early on the evening of the fourth day, Jim was below deck relaxing after finishing all of his afternoon work. He had the night shift, so he was getting some rest before staying up all night. But he wasn't really getting any sleep. He pulled Raphaelle's sketchbook, which he'd grabbed from her room just before leaving, out of his duffel bag. He flipped through the pages, studying each one thoroughly before moving on to the next. There were a couple she had sketched with both her and Jim, and he spent the most time admiring those ones. Morph flew up and studied the pages with him. He chirped when he saw one with himself floating between them. Jim smiled and let the little blob perch on top of his head.

Just before his shift started, Jim heard a shout from above.

"Planet ho!" the lookout cried.

Jim closed the book and dropped it into his open bag before jumping out of his hammock and running upstairs. He leaned over the ship's railing and saw Agypticis, the tiny planet located right on the edge of the Coral Galaxy. Captain Amelia and Dr. Doppler walked out on deck and also looked toward the planet.

"Mr. Hawkins, may I speak with you?" the Captain called.

"Yes Captain," he replied, rushing up the stairs to the upper deck to meet her.

"That planet is analogous to the gate of the Coral Galaxy. Nobody goes in or out without them knowing, and all ships are required to state their destination upon entering. When we dock there I will speak with the head of communications and inquire as to whether or not they have seen the pirates," the Captain explained.

"It will be a short trip and you will remain here with the rest of the crew," she ordered.

Jim wanted to protest, but he knew it would be futile, so he just nodded. He remained on deck when the ship docked and Captain Amelia left to speak with whoever was in charge. All he could do was pace back and forth while he waited for her to return, hopefully with good news.

When the Captain returned, she spoke with Delbert and Jim in her stateroom.

"Well, according to them, the only vessel to have passed through here in the past week was a merchant ship that docked yesterday. I suspect that the pirates lied about who they were, but they can't lie about where they are going, because in order to dock on a planet, the ports must be informed that a ship is coming. Therefore, if a ship goes to the wrong planet, they will not be permitted to dock and will promptly be detained by authorities. Now then, they are headed toward the very center of the galaxy. I'm not sure why, since the only planet there is completely devoid of life and doesn't even have a port, but we must get to them quickly," Captain Amelia explained.

"Agreed," Delbert added.

"Mr. Hawkins, I suggest you get some rest tonight. I will have one of the other crew members cover your shift," Amelia instructed.

"Aye Captain," Jim replied.

Jim followed the Captain's advice and returned to his hammock to get some sleep. He was able to fall asleep, but a few hours later he woke up and couldn't get back to sleep again. He slowly sat up and saw Morph roll down off his chest where he had been sleeping and into his lap. He cupped the sleepy pink blob in his hands and carried him up onto the deck. Jim leaned over the side of the ship, looking out into space. Morph woke up a bit and floated around his face, yawning and snuggling against Jim's cheek. He cooed sympathetically, sensing Jim's distress even in his drowsy state.

"You really should get your rest, Jim," a voice said from behind him.

He turned around and saw Delbert standing there in his pajamas and robe. Jim briefly wondered why he was up in the early hours of the morning, but he didn't ask. It wasn't his business, after all.

"I know," he sighed. "I just...can't stop thinking about her."

"She'll be alright, Jim. She's stronger than she looks. And if I have learned anything from watching the both of you, it's that you two can conquer anything," Delbert responded, placing his hand on Jim's shoulder in a compassionate gesture.

"Thanks," Jim replied, giving the doctor a small smile.

"Today was supposed to be a happy day," Jim continued.

"Oh? And why is that?" Delbert asked curiously.

"It's the anniversary of the day my life changed," he stated.

"Ah yes, the day you found the map to Treasure Planet," Delbert concluded.

"Nope, it's the day I met Raphaelle," Jim said. "The first time I ever saw her, passed out on the side of a road, I felt something. I wanted to protect her and keep her from harm. But I didn't, and now she's in the hands of that pirate, and who knows what kind of torture she's being put through."

Jim's hands clenched into fists at the thought of that brute hurting Raphaelle.

"Jim, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing more you could have done," Dr. Doppler responded.

Jim took a deep breath and released some of the tension in his body.

He pulled a wrapped object out of his pocket and turned it around in his hands before continuing.

"Today's her birthday too, and I didn't get to give her a present."

"I suppose that thing in your hand is her present," Delbert said, gesturing with his pipe to the wrapped object.

"Yeah. It's something I worked really hard on, and I was so excited to give it to her, but I didn't get to. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since this all started, but it was even worse today," Jim explained.

"You'll get the chance to give her your gift, I know it," Delbert assured him.

Jim smiled at the doctor, silently thanking him with his eyes.

"Now, go get some sleep," Delbert said, gently nudging Jim towards the sleeping quarters before heading back up to his own room.

Jim smiled at him again then returned to bed. He laid there thinking of the words that Dr. Doppler had said.

"We can conquer anything," Jim whispered.

"Anything!" Morph repeated excitedly. Jim smiled and pet him, but then his face fell as a thought occurred to him.

"But can we still do that if we're apart?" Jim asked the little shape shifter. Morph just looked back at him somberly. 

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