Party Panic

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I hate parties. Always loud and bright,

Family forcing you to socialize when you want to rest,

The room starts getting warm

Your head begins to spin,

Parties are meant to be fun,

But I hate them regardless,

Everyone feels so suffocating,

Smiles blinding my eyes,

Too many people. Too many spotlights,

I just want to curl up and hide,

But they bring in the cake,

White frosting with decorations on the side,

Words engraved with icing,

I stay or it wouldn't be polite,

They cut the cake, and sing a song to celebrate,

The room starts to feel smaller,

Warmth doesn't feel comforting anymore,

With the cake looking sweeter than usual,

Probably has a lot of calories,

I don't feel like eating,

My breaths are shallow,

A lump forms in my throat,

I don't want to ruin this moment,

I never even wanted to be here,

While they aren't looking I bolt to my room,

My heart beats fast,

Finally, I get some air,

Parties are meant to be fun,

But why isn't it for me?

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