5 - Pep talk

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Pov: Alastor

''Great job, Soren'' I said sarcastically ''Look what you've fucking done''.

''I'm sorry Alastor, I'm sorry for telling the truth'' he said.

''You don't know her! She's not a sex machine! She may be dressed like hooker every single day but sex is not the only thing she lives for!'' ''Oh yeah? Tell me one thing that she has done that is not fucking with other people''. C.P interfiered in the discussion ''OK! I think that's enough''.

I got out of the room as soon as C.P smacked Soren's head ''bitch'' I heard her say.

I found Emma sitting on a small bench watching the kids play, I could still see tears falling through her cheeks. ''Hey, can I join?'' ''Do whatever you want'' she said while her voice was breaking, but still I sat down beside her ''Don't listen to them, they're a bunch of assholes'' Emma sniffled and cleaned the tears in her face. She took out her phone and went to instagram, just to wonder in there.

The sun was getting down and I was looking at the sunset, it was nice, had this pink with a little bit of orange color. I heard some footsteps coming towards us, it was Tom ''Hey! You alright?'' he asked shyly ''Does it look like I'm fine?'' Tom stayed silent for a bit and he replied ''May I join you guys?'' Emma let out a big sigh but she did not respond. ''You may'' I said and Tom let out a smile and sat beside me, Emma was still looking at her phone.

Tom looked up at the sky ''This is the nicest sunset in...in a while'' he said with a grin that made me grin too. For some reason I felt that strange connection again, just the day that Tom and I talked, every time, it happened, even the slightest touch, it was weird. There was also a strange feeling, my heart pumped a little bit fast, not much, but it was very odd.

Emma stopped looking at her phone and stood up ''I think I'm going back inside, you guys coming?'' ''I think I'll stay here for a bit more'' Tom spoke ''What 'bout you Al?'' asked Emma ''You know what? Me too'' I said ''You'll be alright?'' ''Yeah, I've handled worse shit, see you'' then she just left. It was just Tom and I, admiring the sunset, alone in peace, a minute for us to breathe from our problems.

Then it happened again, we both started talking, but this time there were laughs and some smiles. That connection came again, except that my heart was beating faster, but I ignored it, I thought it was because of the laughter. For one minute I thought that our problems were solved, or atleast mine, it was...strange, like if we both left out of this world. ''You know, for once I thought you were going to be 'the tough guy' but I guess if one gets to know you...it's different!'' Tom smiled at me in such a cute way that made me blush.. j-just a little, luckily he didn't notice.

I think we seriously got carried away, we started talking about our inner problems, y'know? About how we really ended up here. Tom started talking ''When I was a child, everything was fine! I had great parents, a pet, an education, and all those things...But as soon as I turned 11 things got...bad. I don't know why, but my parents just- got mad, and they let out their rage by hitting me or...abusing me. Domestic Abuse, that's how it's called, I suffered from domestic abuse, I couldn't take it anymore so...I escaped, with my friend Will. After that C.P offered me to get in the gang, and my parents are still looking for me, but...I don't want to go back with them...''. Tom kept quiet after he spoke, he looked worried, and I get it, his parents sound like monsters.

''Well, now it's your turn, how did you end up here?'' he asked with curiosity and I began speaking ''I wasn't a normal kid, I actually come from a rich family. My parents didn't have time for me, they worked all day, and the cause of that allowed me to sell drugs. Of course, my parents found out, so they sent me to a military school, a living hell.'' "Oh my... but... was it that bad..?" Asked Tom "the rest is my problem" I said as my voice broke a little bit.

Tom didn't think twice and did it.

He hugged me.

Just like that.

I pushed Tom appart from me ''The fuck you think you're doing?'' I said while I adjusted my blindfold ''I- I thought you needed a hug, you looked sad and-" ''you know nothing about me, so keep it like that, I don't need your pity'' I cutted him.

A few minutes passed by. It was already nighttime, so we decided to get back.

Just before Tom was about to enter his room I spoke ''Hey..'' ''Yeah?'' he asked ''Do... do you want to... go out for a drink tomorrow?'' I asked with a rough annoyed tone.

Tom automatically smiled ''Of course!'' he said happily.

I gave him a little nodd ''Well..I'll see you tomorrow'' I said.

''See you tomorrow, Al''.

"Don't call me that, I'm Alastor for you"
I said turning to face him "sorry 'AlAsToR' he said joking, then I left and he entered his room.

«Shit... Tom reminds me to him...» I thought as I walked to my room «at least his parents are still alive» I knew perfectly that wasn't a good sign for him, but before he was eleven, his parents loved him... shit... that's fucking crap.

P.S: hey! Sorry if this chapter was a little bit short, but we'll try to make them longer!

We hope you enjoyed this short chapter talking about Tom's past, and a little about Alastor, don't worry, you'll get to know everyone perfectly in some chapters!

Sincerely, C.C & C.P


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