This love story is about two handsome guys, Tom and Alastor, they work for a gang, dealing with robberies, killing and... Love? Apparently the gang is not enough for them to escape their problems, Will they find a way out to their problems? Or will...
I woke up at 6:30 a.m, got myself ready and went with the twins.
I have to say, they both are scary as fuck, especially Sally, she loves torturing people. ''Tom, right?'' asked Soren ''Y-yes'' ''Well, Tom, today we're teaching you the basics of stealing and agility'' ''Agility?'' I asked confused ''Yup! You have to be extremely agile to steal something, even the tiniest thing'' said Sally ''So, get your ass ready 'cause if you don't pay attention I'll make you suffer'' Sally looked at me with devil eyes, I got chills all over my back.
The basics of Agility were quite interesting, it involves stealth at the same time, the thing that I suffered with were the basics of stealing, there were too much things. ''Ok, Tom, you're going to do a test'' said Soren ''Wait- wha-?'' Sally interrupted me ''You're going to try to steal that Ruby over there!'' Sally pointed to the jewel that was placed on a tall platform, I stayed still and looked at Sally with anguish, not knowing what to say ''Well? What are you waiting for, an invitation? GO!
Suddenly the room turned black and a lot of lasers were surrounding the ruby. Sally and Soren were watching through an observation room. I wasn't completely sure what the fuck I was going to do, but eh, I guess I tried?
I went towards the ruby without making the slightest noise possible, and trying not to touch the lasers. If I'm honest, this shit was pretty hard but I was actually managing it pretty well!
Untill my leg touched a fucking laser...
Alarms started blaring and Sally spoke through the megaphone ''That was so fucked up that my grandma could do better, AND SHE'S DEAD!''. I let out a deep sigh,and the twins got out of the observation room. ''Wow! That was shit,'' said Soren ''but I guess you made progress. The next stage is with Dan, now get the fuck out''.
I got out of the room and went with Dan.
I felt pretty guilty and disappointed for what happened back with the twins...
I got inside the room and there he was, fixing some kind of ''machine'' or something ''Ah, good morning!'' he said with a smile ''Tom, right?'' I chuckled ''Yeah..'' ''Well, have a sit''. I sat down on the small table ''You look tired'' he said ''Want a glass of water?'' ''That would be great, thank you''. He stood up and served two glasses of water and sat back down. ''Ok, we're going to see the basics of tools and repairing, it's pretty simple actually!''.
Dan showed me every single tool he has and taught me how to repair a computer! I think this stage was one of my favorites, he was really patient and calm. Before i knew it 3 hours had passed already ''Oh, look at the time, it's 11:30 already'' ''What-? that fast?'' ''Well, when you enjoy something the time passes fast. It's already time for your break!'' ''Oh, I can leave?'' ''Sure! See you tomorrow!''.
I have approximately 1 hour break, so I took the advantage and went with Will, my best friend since I was a little kid. We agreed to meet in the closest park ''Hey! how's training?'' he asked ''good...I guess'' I kept quiet for a minute. ''You know, I'm not completely sure if I should stay in the gang..'' ''What? Why do you say that?'' ''I-I don't know..what if I mess up? What if they kick me out?'' ''Hey, they won't kick you out, you'll do great!'' ''I'm not sure...''. We both stayed silent, there wasn't much to say, until Will broke up the silence. ''You know, this could be your chance to change who you are'' he said ''To stop all...this'' he gestured to all of me ''You just gestured to all of me'' ''Exactly! Stop being this Tom and be a new one!'' ''It's not that simple y'know-?'' ''I didn't say you should change from one day to another, take your time!''.
Will smiled at me and I smiled back. ''My parents are still looking for me, are they..?'' I asked ''Don't worry, they won't find you, if you lay low, of course'' ''I don't want to go back..'' I said scared ''You won't, I promise''.
I said goodbye to Will, there were still some minutes missing for my break to finish, so I decided to take a small walk nearby where the gang meets and trains (their place is kinda abandoned but they're planning to remodel it). My head was filled with thoughts «What if I mess up?» «What if my parents find me?» «What if I die?». I wanted to cry but my body wouldn't let me, I really didn't want to go back with my parents, and I still don't..they are monsters.
The time was up, I went back to the field but no one was there, just Alastor sitting in the floor leaning against the wall sharpening his knife. ''Where is everybody?'' I asked ''they went to steal more weapons, but I wanted to stay. So I guess you still have some few minutes for your break'' he said with a cold, deep voice. ''Do you mind if I join you?'' I asked shyly and Alastor sighed ''I pretty much don't care''. I grinned and sat down leaning against the wall and closed my eyes. I let out a sigh ''You sound tired'' said Alastor ''I're not?'' ''No, I got used to the fatigue...You also look worried'' ''A lot of things have gone through my head'' I said tired ''You've got problems?'' he asked ''believe it or not, I do..'' Alastor stayed silent and kept sharpening his knife.
Minutes passed by and the others still didn't return, what kind of shit were they getting into?
Anyway, there was a lot of silence, we both did not speak, it was getting a little awkward so I decided to break up the silence ''Soo..what role do you play? In the gang'' ''I'm the hidden sniper, I'm mostly in charge of the killing missions'' I grinned weakly and looked at the floor ''what role do you want to play?'' he asked ''I'm-...I'm not even sure if I will stay in this group..'' ''why do you say that?'' ''I don't know...I've never succeeded in my life, I don't think I'll make it, my parents taught me that I'm just...weak''.
''I get it'' he said.
''You do?'' I asked in awe.
''Of course, my parents did the same thing to me, they even sent me to a military school'' ''They did?'' ''Mhm, God, I hated it was a living hell'' ''I can imagine''. This was kinda the first time we both socialized, I liked it, I was kind of getting along with him.
We both talked about the living hell we're living in, I really enjoyed talking with him, he understood me perfectly and I understood him. I felt this ''connection'' that we had, it was a weird feeling. Time passed by and finally the others arrived with new weapons ''What took you so long?'' I asked ''We were undecided on what weapons to choose'' Emma said ''But at least I got the sex toys I wanted!'' I groaned, that was disgusting.
The day had finally finished and I went to sleep.
The next day was another training day.
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