chapter 5

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Outside, Max replied. The lights of the store are on now right? Rosalie asked.Of course Rosalie, Max said they exited the hut and climbed down the ladders to the ground to see Olivia holding a bowl full of apples. Think fast, Olivia said as she threw an apple at Samantha's head. Samantha smacked it away from her in mid air and Rosalie ran to catch it. YES I GOT IT rosalie yelled. Rosalie then started eating the apple. Sorry Olivia said sheepishly to Samantha while handing her an apple. It's fine Samantha replied, you just scared me. Hey you guys Max said. can I have an apple max asked Olivia. Sure, Olivia said while giving Max an apple. After eating we will go to the city Olivia said to Max and Samantha. What are we waiting for? Let's go, Max said and started running away from the ladders that lead to the wood hut. Stop, aren't you forgetting something Olivia said unhappily. What Max asked was clearly confused. Rosalie and Samantha are still eating, Olivia said. Oh yeah... sorry Max said sheepishly. Just because you're excited to see your girlfriend does not mean you run off max Olivia said while rolling her eyes at max. Max's face turned red almost immediately. Is everyone done eating Olivia asked. Yep, Rosalie said happily. same Samantha said . Ok then let's go Olivia said. Follow us, Max said . It had already been seventeen minutes when Max started asking if they were there yet. FOR THE LAST TIME MAX NO! Olivia yelled. Now stop annoying me. Sorry, Max said. We should be there soo- max started to say just as a girl around 10 years old ran towards them. She had beautiful ginger hair, green eyes that were just like emeralds and beautiful dark skin. She was wearing a yellow sweater with a yellow bow on it and a yellow headband. Max?! Olivia ?! the girl said, surprised. Sofia?! What are you doing out here today Max asked while running towards the girl now known as Sofia.Rosalie is missing Sofia cried. They have sent all scouts to search for Rosalie . Sofia? Rosalie said quietly. Rosalie?! Sofia said. The two girls ran towards each other and embraced each other. Where have you been? I thought you were killed by employees Sofia said while crying. I went to say hello to Max but they weren't home. When I turned around to rejoin the class they were gone, Rosalie whispered. Mom is going to kill you when you get home, Sofia said. Anyways we should get to the city before it gets dark Sofia said while exiting the embrace. You're right Olivia and Max said at the same time. They both stared at each other and then started laughing, but you are right we should get going Olivia said as she stopped laughing and so the journey continued. They soon came up to a giant wall made out of wood. We are here, Sofia said. Everyone you might want to cover your ears for this Olivia said. Olivia screamed HELLO?!. Suddenly a girl climbed down the wall. She had blonde hair and simple blue eyes ,pale skin and probably been a model of it weren't for all the scars on her face. She looked pretty angry until she noticed rosalie. Rosalie the girl whispered. The girl then notices Sofia. Sofia, who are these people the girl asked. This is Max, Olivia and uhm.. Sofia stuttered. Sammy you can call me sammy , Samantha said. Yea Sammy Sofia finished. This is Taylor, because every scout was sent out she had to cover for Sarah, a guard/scout who was sent out, Sofia explained. Well then if you are not enemies I will let you enter, Taylor said. TREVOR LOWER THE ROPE FOR THE TRAVELERS. Suddenly a rope fell down the wall. It was blue and it looked like multiple ropes were combined to make it. Start climbing, Taylor said. We all looked at each other . Don't worry Trevor has already made sure it won't break on you. Max started climbing it first, then Olivia went up then Sofia and then Rosalie. Samantha started climbing up the rope. Just like Taylor said, it wasn't breaking on her. She reached the top of the wall and what she saw made her breathless. Inside the wall where lots of wood homes at least around 50 were in her sight. There was a park near the end of the wall where she could see kids playing. There were also teenagers learning how to fight and so much more. Samantha was amazed by what she was seeing. Isn't this beautiful? She turned around to see a boy who looked. Like he was around one year older than her. He had brown hair,brown eyes and his face was covered with scars like he had been attacked, which he probably had Samantha thought to herself. I'm Trevor, the boy said. Follow me everyone he said as he climbed down a rope that was on the inside of the wall. Oo Rosalie said as she and Sofia climbed down together. You wanna go next or should I max ask Samantha as they watched Rosalie and Sofia laugh as they climbed down. You guys can go, Samantha said. Are you sure Olivia asked? Yep go on you two Samantha said. Ok see ya soon max Sadi as she climbed down the rope. Peace out Olivia said as she began climbing down. Once Max and Olivia had finished climbing she began. Everything was going good until she heard a rope snap. Suddenly the entire rope broke and Samantha was falling.

SAMANTHA she heard Max scream. She closed her eyes thinking this was the end.

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