Chapter 7

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Wow Samantha said as she entered the market with Sofia,Rosalie and Olivia. It's pretty impressive isn't it Sofia said to Samantha as they walked through the market. Me and Rosalie are going to buy some food. Can I leave you guys alone for a second? Sofia asked. Yep Olivia said. See you guys soon. Hmm what should we do? Olivia asked. Why not walk around, Samantha said. Sure Olivia replied. As they walked around the market Samantha recognized someone there. He had blonde hair, brown eyes,white skin and he had lots of freckles. It was Bob! Bob?! Samantha said as she ran towards the blonde boy who was her friend and crush . She could hear Olivia in the background yelling Samantha but she didn't care at the moment. Samantha?! Bob said shock all over his face. What are you doing here?! Bob said, I.. Well, what are you doing here? Samantha is too dangerous for you here, Bob said. Everything has its dangers, Samantha said. Finally Olivia said as she ran towards samantha. Who is this? Olivia asked. This is Bob, Samantha replied. Hello Bob said to Olivia as they shook hands. You remind me of someone Olivia said to Bob. maybe you have met someone with blonde hair and freckles like him before, Samantha said. Hmm maybe Olivia said while looking at Bob suspiciously. Before things could get heated Trevor and Taylor ran in between Samantha, Olivia and Bob. Our leader has requested for you to meet her, Trevor said. What?! Samantha said. Bob tried to run but he was pinned to the ground by Taylor. I suggest you all follow us, Taylor said, her voice and face completely emotionless. The group soon came to a stop in front of a giant wooden building. Three doors were guarded by two males. The male guarding the left door had spiked brown hair, green eyes and tanned skin. His face looked like he was trying to be serious while the male guarding the right door had dark skin, flat ginger hair and dark skin. As Samantha walked up to the doors the boy guarding the right door moved in front of her. What is your business here, the ginger haired boy said frowning. Calm down Kyle, Taylor said as she walked towards the door. Not until you state why you are here, the boy now known as Kyle said. Our leader wants to meet these travelers, Taylor said clearly unimpressed with Kyle. I am so sorry Kyle stuttered nervously as he stepped aside from the door. Kyle then opened the door to the building. Come on, Taylor said as she walked into the building. Inside the building was astonishing. The inside building had two floors. Twenty people were working on the left and right side of the first floor. Each worker had their own desk and paper. In the centre of the building was a wooden ramp leading up to the second floor. On the top floor there was a room right next to the ramp. Excuse me for a second, Taylor said to Samantha as she walked over to one of the workers on the left side. Samantha watched as Taylor whispered to the worker something and suddenly the worker's face went pale. The worker then exited their desk space and ran up the wood ramp. What was that about Bob asked Taylor as she walked back towards them. Nothing for you to worry about Taylor responded clearly annoyed and for some reason nervous.  What will we do now? Samantha asked, wondering when they will speak to Taylor's "Leader''. We will have to wait for a bit, Taylor said clearly stating the obvious. They were only standing for around four minutes by the time the door to the room near the ramp opened and a girl around the age of 14 walked out of the room and down the ramp. The girl had messy light brown hair tied up in a bun, brown eyes,light pale skin, face full of freckles and was wearing a collared shirt. That's Riley the eldest daughter of our great leader Trevor said from behind Samantha. Ack you scared me Samantha said to Trevor as he walked in front of her,Bob and Taylor. I would love to stay and chat but I must go and request a search for possible tampering with all of the objects that have been breaking recently Trevor said. As soon as Trevor walked out of sight the girl now known as Riley walked up to Taylor. Lady Kailani will see you now Riley said,her face blank. They all started following Riley up the ramp and towards the room Riley had just exited minutes ago. They soon all stopped in front of a giant pair of wooden doors. Lady kailani the travelers have arrived Riley said while knocking on the doors. The doors suddenly were opened by two girls both around 13-14 years old. The girl opening the right door had pale white skin, blue eyes and elegant black hair while the girl opening the left door had green eyes,tanned skin and blonde hair. Thank you Akira and iris you are dismissed, a woman from inside the room said. Both girls bowed and left the room as soon as Taylor,Samantha and Bob had entered the room. In the centre of the room was a middle aged woman. She had brown hair, brown eyes,pale skin and lots of scars. Lady Kailani Taylor said as she bowed. Lady Kailani turned towards Samantha and Bob. Welcome travelers. What brings you to my humble city? Lady Kailani asked Bob and Samantha. We were just exploring- Bob started to say just as Samantha blurted out we are trying to find a way to leave this place. The room quickly fell silent. Don't be delirious, there's no way to leave, Taylor said. Right..? . Well I do not honestly believe in this but when I was younger there was a legend about an exit Kailani admitted. If you do not mind, can I read the legend Bob politely asked. Taylor if you may, Kailani said. Yes I will go and retrieve the legend from the private library Taylor replied and opened the door and left the room. Thank you,Bob said. We are very grateful, Samantha said. Before Lady Kailani could reply the door swung open to reveal a girl around seventeen years old. She had black hair,dark skin and green eyes. The girl was crying. You know to knock before you enter Ember what's wrong? Lady Kailani asked. Sector one of the wall has.. has.. Ember stuttered. Has what? Lady Kailani demanded. Sector one of the wall has Collapsed ember cried out. No.. Lady Kailani whispered. Was anyone near the wall when it happened? Lady Kailani asked. Yes Lady Kailani, Ember replied. Get all the guards,scouts,Builders and healers you can find Lady Kailani ordered. Ember ran out of the room. Goodbye Lady kailani said as she left the room as well. So The wall has collapsed.. Bob whispered.  

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