Twin Flames

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A/N: This chapter is loosely based on a couple of interviews where Peter shared his description of his perfect date. Hope you enjoy!

Lizzy laid a piece of breaded chicken next to another in her skillet, carefully avoiding the crackles and splatters of oil that popped up as she did. She knew Peter would be hungry when he got back inside from chopping wood. The unfortunate part of their little getaway they decided to take together was that there was no KFC around for miles, and she knew he'd eventually be craving it. So, she decided to make the best alternative she could think of- some pan fried crispy chicken cutlets. She had made herself a little assembly line. The cut chicken, the whiskeyed eggs, the flour and breadcrumbs, and then the skillet... easy as pie. She knew it wouldn't be the same, but she hoped the cutlets would keep his cravings at bay for the time being.

The chicken sizzled as Lizzy heard the chop of the ax again outside. Butterflies swarmed her stomach as she thought about Peter outside chopping wood so they could cuddle by the fireplace that night.

Well, more than cuddle if Lizzy had anything to do with it.

She bit her bottom lip as she thought back to the night before they left for their trip together. She had been flipping through the pages of a magazine she found while laying on his bed when she came across an interview of his.He must not have been aware the interview was in that particular issue of the magazine as he didn't like to keep memorabilia of his own around. Otherwise he would have thrown the magazine out as it would embarrass him. And even so she usually didn't put too much stock in his interviews. He would tell her a lot of the time he would answer to play up the image of the band, and sometimes he'd even change his answers from interview to interview just to keep things interesting for himself since he'd get bored answering the same questions over and over again.

But this interview caught her eye. He had been asked to describe his perfect date. She looked over her shoulder towards the bathroom, hearing the sounds of the shower running before her eyes began to comb the glossy pages of the magazine. Her heart thundered as she read through his answers before she closed the magazine wide-eyed.

"That's what he wants?" Lizzy whispered to herself before turning to look at the closed door of the bathroom again before she shook her head. They had never done anything like what he had described in the interview.

Lizzy sat up in the bed as her heart raced. She wanted to give Peter everything he wanted but he never really asked for much. Despite his image he was a simple guy who liked simple things. It was nearly impossible to shop for him for his birthday or the holidays. He would just hold her in his arms and insist that he had everything he wanted right there with him.

Lizzy let out a shaky sigh before she darted up and grabbed up her purse before heading out his basement apartment door. She knew one place she could go to help her make her beautiful behemoth's fantasies come true. She left a note on his bed telling him she was going to run a few last minute errands before heading out to a little boutique known as Cherry Pie that her friend Melanie had introduced her to years ago.

Lizzy blinked back to her present as she heard the door of the cabin open. She quickly flipped the cutlets in the pan. They were a little extra crispy since she had been lost in a train of thought, but not burnt. She heard the shuffle of Peter's feet as he wiped them on the mat in front of the door before kicking off his boots. She shyly looked down, fixing her eyes on the cutlets as she heard Peter walk to the living room before she heard some clunking sounds that she guessed came from him setting some logs near the fireplace. She then heard as he moved into the kitchen. Her senses heightened as she became hyper aware of his presence. Her body immediately longed for his touch as she heard him behind her, washing his hands in the sink. She began sliding her spatula beneath the cutlets before sliding off the skillet and stacking them on top of others on a plate. She felt him then press up behind her as he nuzzled his nose into her hair, his hands resting on her hips.

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