Chapter Eleven: Part Four

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Part Four

The Foreboding Ship, Thirteenth Edition


Narrator: Allise

Lazlo: Daunte

Lino En Kuldes: Sloan

Ted: Futch

Fog Ship Guide: Sierra

Schtolteheim Reinbach III: Desiree

The stage lights came up on front stage right, revealing Allise. "The Dauntless had seen many great battles," she began dramatically. "But not even the veteran forces under Lord Lazlo were prepared for the otherworldly vessel known as the Fog Ship."

The stage lights went out on her and then lit up on the center stage. Daunte, Sloan, and Desiree stood at stage right in front of a paper fence that seemed to resemble the "rail" of a ship. Behind them was two backdrops side-by-side; a beautiful seascape to the right, and a black void to the left.

"I-I, uh, er, n-never seen a vessel like—ah—that before," Sloan struggled through his lines.

"Me either," Daunte said.

"Don't be scared, my dear Lord Lazlo!" Desiree announced, squaring her shoulders and patting Daunte's shoulders. "You must be brave in the face of adversity!"

The stage lights lowered on them and then raised on Allise. "Hero of the Islands Federation War Lazlo," Allise said. "Was ready to face any challenge. By his side was King Lino En Kuldes of Obel, and mighty and magnificient swordsman, Schtolteheim Reinbach III. Though Lord Lazlo and King Lino En Kuldes wavered, Schtolteheim Reinbach III would not let them walk away from this challenge."

"What?!" Ruggiero exclaimed in the audience.

"But they would not venture on to the foreboding ship alone," Allise continued. "For they would have a mysterious escort to guide them on their way."

The lights came up on center stage, and Futch walked stiffly on to stage from stage left. "Hurry up and get on the ship," he told the trio before him. "I'm a rude and useless braggart who thinks he's better than everyone else!"

"FUTCH!" Nāṭaka hissed loudly.

Daunte gaped at Futch for a moment before he remembered his lines. "I-I—can we trust you?" he asked.

"No," Futch responded automatically.

"Wait, was there a script change?" Sloan wondered aloud. Nāṭaka facepalmed so hard in the front row that the slap echoed across the theater.

"He looks trustworthy enough to me!" Desiree said loudly. "My dear Lord Lazlo, I say you can trust him!"

"Then you are a fool," Futch said dully.

"DON'T CALL DESIREE A FOOL, YOU BASTARD!" Lanny yelled from the audience.

"But there WAS something sinister afloat!" Allise said, needing to raise her voice over the hysterical laughter in the audience. "For within the ship was a old, sinister presence that could devour your soul! An entity that sought the power of the True Runes! The Fog Ship Guide!"

The center stage lights came up again, and Sierra walked on to stage from stage left. She looked bored. "I have traveled many worlds across many times," she droned. "I will let you come with me, possessor of the Rune of Punishment. In return, you must relinquish your True Rune to me and you can never leave this ship."

"W-What?!" Daunte exclaimed.

"T-That, ah, seems very unfair," Sloan said lamely.

"What a deplorable proposition!" Desiree shouted dramatically.

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