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Author Pov.

Jennie has gone to bring two cups of coffee for the two guys chit-chatting in the cabin, cursing herself again and again for her doing a few moments ago. On the other hand Taehyung was curious of Jimin already knowing Jennie.

" By the way how you met her? "

" Who? "

" Jennie. "

" Ah her, actually....by the way why you wanna know? " He asked in a teasing tone but he just gave him a bored look.

" Ok it's fine if you don't wanna tell. I will not ask again. " He said facing his back to him then turning again watching his expression, expecting Jimin to answer the question he asked but he just hung his head low.

" Ok it's fine if you don't wanna ask. I will also not even try to tell you. " He said looking at him stopping himself from laughing. Taehyung tilted his head to right with an annoyed expression and Jimin loved it.

" Just answer me otherwise I'll kill you, you know? " He said lifting up a file and was going to hit him when he stopped after a knock on the door.

" Come in. " Jimin chuckled at his annoyed state but earn a death glare for him.

" Sir your coffee. " Jennie said first giving a cup to Taehyung and then hesitantly moving towards Jimin. 

" Stop! " Taehyung yelled earning attention from both of them.

" Don't give him coffee. " He said and Jennie became confused as well as Jimin.

" Mr. Park hates coffee. " Jimin glared at him because the thing he was saying was a joke of the millenniums... Coffee was his first love.

" Huh? " Jennie was so confused... firstly he was the only one asking for T.W.O. cups of coffee and now he is saying that Jimin hates one.

" Do one thing, keep it here only. I love coffee, so I will drink this cup too. " He ordered her and she did as he said and took her leave from the cabin, completely forgetting for what she went there. She went inside her cabin and sat on the chair. She continued focusing on her work to get rid of that Jimin incident from her mind and it worked, ummm...at least for that time.

In the cabin there was Jimin hitting Taehyung for what he said earlier.

" I hate coffee, huh? Take this now. " Jimin said punching his back again and again.

" Jimin-ah stop it. It hurts. " He said trying to make a painful voice as he begged but failed soon as he giggled just after saying the sentence.

" You are laughing? Now again take this. " He said and started beating him again. After a moment the room was filled up with laughter. It was late now, Jimin was still there in Taehyung's cabin, sitting on Taehyung's chair while Taehyung on the chair where Jimin sat earlier laughing on something foolish happened with Jimin earlier but stopped when they both heard footsteps so they ran to their seats and both of them fixed themselves like nothing happened there. They made themselves look like two CEOs are talking on a serious matter, well the coffee was a serious matter for Jimin. They heard a knock on the door and saw that it was Jennie. 

" Come in. " Taehyung said with an annoyed face after seeing her but she just tried to ignore it and bowed him.

" Sir I am done with my work. I am taking my leave. Is there any other thing left to do for me? "

" No just leave. " He again said being annoyed. Jimin was startled by the sudden rudeness in his voice which he never heard but thought of talking about it later.

" It was so nice meeting you Mr. Kim, I will also take my leave. " He said standing up and offering for a handshake which Taehyung accepted happily. Jennie bowed him when he was going as Jimin stopped in front of Jennie but she was looking at her sandals being afraid of even having an eye contact with him as she was pretty sure about him telling about the incident to his best friend.

Jimin leaned to her height and whispered near her ear, " Don't worry, I didn't mention your name when you were gone. I never break promises. " and stood straight, leaving the cabin with a shocked Jennie as well as Taehyung. 

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