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Jennie Pov.

Hi guys, I am Jennie Kim and I am 21 years old ( A.N. just for the story ). I and my brother, Yeonjun, my only family, live in rented house.

I work in a café to fulfill our basic needs like paying rent, fee for Yeonjun's education and paying loans my father took for my education from people before his death.

You must be thinkin' why I said Yeonjun my only family right? Actually we don't have parents. Our parents died a few years ago. I live with Yeonjun and my father's manager and his family. By the way it's time for Yeonjun to wake up.

"Yeonjun-ah! Wake uuuuppp. You are late for school. Wake up. " I shouted near his ears

"Ahhhhhhh just two minutes. Can't you let me sleep just two minutes more. ? "

" Why wait two minutes? Get up and take shower now. "

" See it is 6:27 right now I will wake up at 6:30. Okay? Now let me sleep. Please. "

" No. Wake up now and now means now. I am going to make breakfast for us and listen, when I will come back to your room and I will see you still sleeping then..."

"Then what? You are going to kill me? Or kick me out of this house too? What will you do? You can do nothing to me. I am not scared of you. Understand Ms. Jennie Kim? "

" Really Mr. Yeonjun? " I asked him making a little smirk on my face and he just responded with a 'hmm' not knowing what I am talking about.

" Ok then I will tell Lia that when you were 10 you pooped in your pants. Will you like it? " His eyes widened when I said it.

"No no no I'm going to take shower. It's 6:28 am right now I will come down at 6:35 so you will not tell Lia anything. Okay bye. " He said rushing towards the bathroom with his school uniform in his hand.

I went to the kitchen smiling at his childishness. I made breakfast and Yeonjun came down wearing his school uniform and guess what, he is sitting at the chair before 6:35 am.

He really was so afraid that I will tell Lia that thing. But it is so bad right? I mean being 10 years old and still pooping in pants like small kids, very bad Yeonjun, I never expected this from you but thank god that this thing happened and Lia too. Otherwise his two minutes never finished.

" Are you going to give me my breakfast or you are planning to just stand there and keep smiling " Suddenly someone snap me out of my thoughts and he was non other than my little and cute brother Yeonjun.

" Of course Mr. Kim tell me what do you want. "

" Anything Ms. Kim " He said laughing.

We ate our breakfast and then I dropped him to school and went straight to my café to do my waitress job.

" What is your order sir? " I asked and wrote them down in my notepad.

" Table no. 102 wants two cup of Espresso Americano, 107 wants a cup of Café Mocha and 116 wants Café Latte. "
I waited till the cups of coffee are done.

"Here is your two cup of Espresso Americano ma'am and sir."

"Thanks... ummm... by the way you are beautiful." The lady said.

" Thank you ma'am but not more than you." I said with a warm smile on my face as they chuckled.

" Have a great day ma'am and sir. Enjoy your coffee. Please come again if you like our café."

" Thank you and yes we will come again. You too have a great day sweetie."

" I am having one ma'am. Thank you. " I left and went to table no. 107.

It was a tiring day like always. Yeonjun came back home but not alone he was with a girl. Guess who? Yeah Lia.
He have a crush on her. She is our neighbour and studies in the same college and class with Yeonjun.

So today we three ate together. Lia is a well behaved girl just opposite of Yeonjun. They actually look good together and I don't have any problem if Yeonjun and she will be so.

" Unnie can I always come here in the morning so I and Yeonjun can go to college together? " She asked me with a pouting face and of course I can't resist her cuteness, who can?

" Of course Lia. You can come here whenever you want. No need to ask me. Ok?"

" Thank you " She squealed and hugged me tightly.

I did rest of my routine and we went to sleep at 12 sorry only I went to sleep because Mr. Kim Yeonjun is still awake and saying to me that he's studying cause tomorrow is his exam but I know there is no exam tomorrow whereas he is chatting with Lia.

Ding dong

" Who can be at the door this late night? "

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