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Author Pov.

It was dinner time as Jennie quickly ran to the kitchen before anyone else could and from anyone else she of course meant Mr. Kim Taehyung. She entered the kitchen breathing heavily only to see Taehyung looking at her, confused.

" Oh shoot! " She muttered under her breath as she walked towards him.

" What happened Mr. Kim? Do you want something? "

" Uh... I just came to cook dinner for us. "
" Why are you stressing yourself out? I'll cook the dinner. "

" No need, I have already taken out the packet of noodles. " Her eyes traveled from his face to the packets kepts on counter.

" Mr. Kim we already ate this in the morning. I am telling you I'll cook dinner. "

" No, I am telling you, I'll cook dinner. "

" Mr. Kim I'll make something nice for both of us, like mandu. " Taehyung was going to fight back but stopped when he heard 'mandu'. " You don't like too much spicy so I'll make it less spicy. " She continued .

' Was trying to be a good boy but how can I resist mandu? Need to cook the dinner too but then no mandu. ' He thought going into deeper thoughts.

" Ok then just let me help you. " He said looking straight into her eyes, as she shook her head in response.

" No, Mr. Kim, I can do it on my own. You should go and do anything else. " She said slightly and gently pushing him aside and went to the counter side.

She searched for flour as she opened every single cabinet. She sighed in relief when she finally found it and tip toed to reach for it, slowly and carefully trying to take the container out.

But a loud gasp released from her lips as she covered her mouth when the container slipped through her hand spilling half of the flour on the ground and half on Taehyung.

" What the- " He muttered as soon he felt the powder on his face. He looked at her, expressionless as soon as he realised what happened just now.

Jennie looked at him, biting her lower lip in order to control herself from laughing but failed to do so as the room was now filled with Jennie's loud laugh.
She calmed herself down looking back at him as he was still expressionless.

" Does it seem funny to you? "

" Sorry Mr. Kim. " She said, turning around to pick up the flour she has spilled, her smile totally fading away.

He turned and walked towards the sink.
He splashed water on his face as the flour got sticky on his face, making him let out an irritating groan and look at her expecting help from the other side.

Jennie looked at him as a sigh escaped her lips, making her way out of the kitchen. He sighed as he felt guilty for again being cold to her and ruining her mood. He tried to remove the sticky flour out from his face.

" AISHH! " He yelled in irritation but became silent when saw Jennie entering the kitchen with a cloth in her hand, walking towards him. He gulped as he really didn't had any idea if she was there to help him.

" Stop yelling and use this. " She said offering him the cloth. He hesitantly took it and tried to rub it on his face... harshly.

Jennie sighed once again looking at him when she snatched the cloth away from his hand. He turned to face her with a questioning look.

" You don't know anything other than work and ramyeon, right? " She said making him confused. She raised her hand to his face, gently wiping the sticky flour of his face making him startle at her sudden move.

He looked down at the girl in front of him, his heart pounding crazily at their closeness. When Jennie was done with her work, she looked back at him, only to freeze at her place when she noticed the gap between them.

And there, the door of Taehyung's house opened, someone entering the house.

" V hyung, look I found new edition of the video game we played a week- " The person stopped, not completing his sentence, shock evident on his face as he watched the scene inside the kitchen.

" Hyung! "

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