Chapter 54: A Strange Coincidence

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Drew ran his fingers through his hair, knitting them into the green strands, then blew out a heavy breath. "I'm so tired of this," he whispered. May opened her mouth, trying to think of something to say, but bit her tongue. She couldn't think of anything that would maybe make him feel better.


Once he had calmed down, they headed back out of the cave and continued towards Mahogany Town, their original course before they had been chased down. They walked until the sun went down, Drew's guilt eating him up from the inside, he had put May in danger multiple times on their journey. Some sort of protection he was from whatever May's mom had been so worried about before they had left.

She'd been worried.


She had a good reason though. They seemed to keep having bad luck, especially May, from attacked contest halls to almost being taken hostage. He kept thinking about it as they set up camp, forgoing a fire in favor of being hidden in the darkness. It was quite odd how she'd been so worried about May and all these bad things began to happen. How did she seem to know that this trip would be so dangerous for May? He couldn't keep quiet about it anymore.

"Hey, May?" He asked. She stopped what she had been doing, kneeling over a tent stake drilling it into the ground. She looked back at him over her shoulder, blue eyes pooling with curiosity.

"Yeah?" She asked softly, most likely in an effort to keep him calm after everything.

"I just remembered how your mom really opposed the idea of you traveling by yourself here because it would be dangerous," He said, still trying to collect his thoughts together on how he wanted to present the idea to her.

"Yeah, she's a bit over protective," May giggled softly, a homesick smile tugging at her lips. "I get it though. She just wants me to be safe, and if I were to travel on my own, I'd be a lot more vulnerable," she said somewhat bitterly. She was right though. There are plenty of people out there who would try to take advantage of her in different ways, all because she was a girl.

"I'm sure that's definitely part of it, but even after I offered to travel with you, she still was reluctant in letting you go," Drew explained. May frowned in thought, her eyebrows furrowed and face scrunched up, and in a moment of weakness he let himself get distracted and thought about how adorable she was.

"She was probably just worried something would happen between us. And I mean, she was right, but we aren't taking this anywhere anyways," She said dismissively, about to turn back around to work on securing her tent stake in the ground.

"Do you think she could've somehow known that the contest attacks would happen?" Drew suggested. May looked at him dumbfounded for a second.

"Pfft! That's ridiculous, how could she know that would happen," She said, breaking out into loud laughter.

"It does sound stupid now that I'm saying it out loud, but really think about it," he said seriously. May let out a sigh.

"Drew, my mom is not clairvoyant," She said, rolling her eyes at him.

"I'm serious. Please listen to me. Do you remember after the Azalea Town Contest, she messaged you through your PokeNav and said to call her? Once you did, she immediately demanded you come home and after hearing about the attack on the contest hall, she said something like she knew it wasn't safe or that she should've never let you go," Drew explained.

"You're right," she realized. "But she was born and raised in this region and so was I. I don't understand why she would all of the sudden have some sort of vendetta against it," She turned around to sit down and face him as she thought. She was finally catching on to what Drew had been trying to explain to her the whole time.

"I mean, we moved so quickly after my grandma died. Was my grandma the only reason we were living here? It doesn't make much sense," May thought aloud.

"It feels like we're missing some key piece in this. She definitely knew something bad would happen, and it might be something to do with Team Rocket based on how she acted over that call," he suggested.

"I just don't think she could've known about the attacks," May reasoned.

"I know I'm sounding crazy right now, but it's odd how your mom didn't want you to come to Johto, the contest attacks happen, and she freaks out and demands you home. It's either a complete coincidence, or they really have been targeting us," The dark of the night started to hang more ominously over them from his words.

"I hope you're wrong," she said worriedly.

"I hope so too,"

With that, a silence came between the two of them. May went back to putting her tent up and Drew did the same. It wasn't much longer before they bid their good nights and headed to sleep.

When morning came, they packed up their camp and continued their travels. They would make it to Eggseter by midday, the town in between Ecruteak City and Mahogany Town.

"We're going to have to restock on food, once we get to Eggseter. There's not enough left to get us to Mahogany Town," Drew said, taking inventory of what they had on hand.

"Okay, do we need Pokemon food as well?" May asked.

"Yeah, we used the last can this morning," he said.

"Can we get lunch at the Pokemon Center? I'm dying for some real food," May said.

"Yeah, sure," he agreed. There was only so much that could be put in a bag. Granola bars, protein bars, and trail mix got tiring very quickly.

Once they got to Eggseter, they ate first before restocking on all their needed items. It was about a quarter till 3 when they left and headed back into the woods. They had about another 3 days until they would reach Mahogany Town. It was crazy to him how they were already a little over halfway done with the contest season, on their way to hopefully get their 4th ribbon. The time he had left was slowly running out.



Okay, I know I said I would be writing longer chapters, but the beginning of this chapter got away from me and I decided I would save what I was going to write for the second half of the chapter to the next chapter, sorry if the end was a bit boring. But on the bright side, hey! I got out a pretty fast upload. But don't expect this to be normal. The next chapter will be longer! Probably. Until next time,


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