Chapter 56: Bargaining

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His hand trembled as he tried to grip the door knob, only for it to open from the other side, causing him to stumble back. He lost his balance and tumbled to the floor. He looked up to meet the cold, distant, icy eyes of his mother.

"Leaving so soon?"


"I hope you realize what a great pain you've been. I assure you, you'll have severe consequences for your actions, and you will pay in full for the damage you have caused to this business, and this family," she scolded him, her words scathing and tongue sharp. The words did not appear to be enough for her. Within a moment, she struck Drew across the face with the back of her hand.

He was too dumbfounded to even move, his whole body cold in shock. The only warmth was from the stinging in his cheek from where he had been hit, blooming red in aggravation.

"I- I have to go," he mumbled, beginning to pick himself off the floor. His chest suddenly tightened, his heart rate speeding up. He felt like he couldn't get enough breath, no matter how deep he breathed in. It felt like he was dying. Was that what dying felt like?

All he could think about was May. May. May.

May being half the world away.

May being in danger.

Never seeing May ever again.

"You're not going anywhere," she said firmly.

"No, you don't understand," he said, his throat tightening, making it difficult to speak as he tried to keep it together, hands trembling at his sides.

"Oh I understand full well. Wake up! You are the heir to this coorperation! I refuse to let you prance around a stage like a baffoon to win a stupid cup and a pat on the back. It's an embarrassment, really! It's over Andrew. This is the real world, and it's time you started living in it." She lectured, letting her fury wash over her, and through the room to try and keep Drew down, just like she always had. But he was standing now, and straightening his shoulders, it was only then he noticed, he was bigger than his mother. Someone who always seemed to have so much control over his life, who dictated his entire childhood, now stood so small in front of him. He pulled together as hard of an exterior as possible, despite the feeling of utter dread causing turmoil in his stomach.

Yet the perceived power she held over him did not diminish. She still had the ability to make him want to curl up in a ball like a small child on the inside. But in that moment, all that mattered was May.

"My friend is in danger and I don't know if she's okay!"

"She's not your problem anymore, now forget about all this silliness and get ready to meet with your father in his office in ten minutes," She said coldly before turning on her heel and pausing at the threshold of the door.

"And don't even think about trying to escape either," she added over her shoulder, and then she turned the corner, her high heels clacking on the hardwood floor of the hallway.

Of course the first thing he thought after she left was how he was going to escape.

It was then he realized he didn't have any of his pokeballs on him.

That was bad.

Before he realized, he was out the door and into the hallway.

"I'll do anything!" He blurted out. The retreating figure of his mother stopped. Slowly, she turned around, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I don't think you are in the position to be bargaining," she said, her smugness hidden behind a faux smile. Drew sucked in a breath, swallowing it down.

"I'll marry whoever you want me to!" Her smile fell into a thin line, her face scrunching into suspicion.

"If you let me go and save her, and finish out this contest season, I'll come back and do everything you want me to. I'll marry whoever you want me too, I won't complain. I'll cut my hair, I'll attend all your business parties. I won't cause trouble anymore. Just, please," he begged.

"How can I believe anything you say? You've run away twice. How can I trust that you will come back?" She said, fully turning around and slinking up the hall towards him. She was right. How could she trust him?

"Now, your father will be expecting you, don't make him wait," she said with a smirk, before turning around again.

He racked his brain for anything. Anything at all. He grit his teeth when the thought came to mind. His fists clenched and his heart ached and his stomach turned.

"I'll leave Roserade here,"

His mother stopped in her tracks.



I'm keeping this short because guys, I'M IN COLLEGE NOW! Also, it's been a while since I've updated, and I didn't want to switch POVs for this. Again, like I've said in the past, I'm not giving up on this story and I will finish it like I promised. I've gotten several comments about this, so please take my word for it. Keep in mind I do this for fun. Because it's only 800 words, I might even just add this to the previous chapter once I finish the next one because I said I would write longer chapters ,:) anyways. Until next time.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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