Chapter ten: The harsh truth

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Alice's POV

It was early in the morning, my eyelids felt heavy as I didn't want to wake up after Running down the stairs and exhausting myself.

After talking with uncle, I have returned back to my room. Resting on my bed.  I have asked uncle to release Asuna from her containment since I told everything to him. Surprisingly enough, he believed me.

I been thinking of how I am going to explain about Kirito to Asuna. She came to this world to search for him, but to just find out that he changed to someone else entirely. An imposter who took his body and soul. That's how I think of all the intergity knights including self. I took an innocent little girl who didn't do anything wrong, she only had just two fingers touching the dark territory.

It ended up her being punished. And here I am, took her body and soul with no memories of her life. Just a puppet serve to protect the pontifex and the axiom church. I heard a knock on the door and I slowly got off of my bed, dressed in a long white dress since well it's my attire when I am going to sleep on. I walked up and opened the door, it was only a small crack to see who it was. "Oh, lady Asuna." I said as I try to sound like I am not tired at all.

"Am I bothering you?.. you seem like you got out of bed." Asuna said and I shook my head. "Nono. Please come in." I open the door fully and let Asuna into my bedroom.

Asuna and I sat down on my bed, there is silence between us as I inhaled and exhaled. "So Asuna, Eugeo and I have found Kirito." I said and I look at her, her eyes were widen with surprised then she seems to be impatient already. "Wait really?! Where is he?" And as I expected, my mind is racing. I have no words to express the truth to his girlfriend.

"Alice? Please tell me. Where is Kirito-kun?" I'm sorry Asuna. I wish I could give you an dishonest answer.

"Kirito is gone."

I said it, I really said it out loud. My eyes were focused on Asuna's face expression. "W-Wait? You aren't like serious right? Right Alice?" Asuna's hands were shaking and she slowly raise her hands to touch my shoulders. I stayed silence, I can hear her sobbing already.

"I'm sorry, Asuna. He is gone as a person, he is still alive." I answered as Asuna is confused by my response. "What do you mean by that?..." I tried to think of what words to express the synthesis ritual. "I think it's best for you to see it yourself."

I stood up out from my bed and turned my head, looking at her. "I need to change. I think Kirito would be awake and already in duty to watch the dark territory and the enemies along with it. You should head to floor 30." I said and I walked to my closet and looked at the usual intergity knight attire. My armor resting on the floor of the closet. I could hear Asuna walking out of the door, closing it.

Asuna's POV

It can't be true right? Kirito is gone? But Alice said he is alive. The words kept repeating over and over in my thoughts. I continued walking straight in the hallways of the cathedral tower and saw the stairs. I walked upstairs and walked towards the big gate. Maybe this is where the Alice wanted me to be at.

I slowly open the gates, having a huge creak sound and I look over the crack. I see dragons which most of them seem to be asleep. Some gray, some blue and one black. I opened it widely and entered in. The dragon that is awake is the black one and it looked at me. I'm going to freak out, what if they eat me?!

"Hey hey! Wait I'm not an enemy!" I raise my hands as the dragon snorted and had its head gestures at me. I slowly approach up to it and had my hand touching it's head. It seem to like it.

"What do you think you are doing?" I heard a familiar voice and turned my head looking at them. I instantly knew who it was.

"Kirito-kun?! You're alive!" I ran to him and hugged him tightly. He didn't react to it but he pushed me away as I nearly almost fell but I manage to keep balance. "Who the hell are you?" He said in a stern voice. My mind has just shattered when he said that.

"K-Kirito-Kun. You aren't joking right?.. It's me, Asuna." My voice is about to break, how could he not remember me?

"I don't know who you are. But I can tell you sure are annoying." He answered and he had his hand touching his sword on his waist. "Your name is Kazuto Kirigaya. Your real name..." I said, trying to get into his memories to get him to recognize me.

"Like I said. I don't know who you are. We have just met and you starting to get into my nerves already. If it weren't for that old damn general then I would have kill you the moment I saw you." His words are starting to hurt more. I slowly walk up to him. He pull his sword out aiming it at me.

"Stay the hell away from me. One more step and I'll cut your head open." He threatened me, what more should I say to get him to remember?

"Kirito-Kun... We met on sword art online. You were a solo player and the black swordsmen. You beat Heathcliff who is known as Kayaba Akihiko and saved 6147 players." I said as I can tell. He's getting more and more angry.

"Can you shut up woman?! You are just giving me pity and it's making me want to kill you even more. Now step aside and let me do my duties!" He put his sword back into his scabbard and pushed me aside, I nearly tripped onto the tail and about to fall. Someone saved me, I looked at them.

It was a woman with beige hair tied up as a ponytail and red eyes. "Kirito! Would it be Atleast nice with her? Couldn't you tell she came here just to see you?!" She shouted and Kirito turned his head looking at her while climbing onto his dragon. "Why should I? I only am summoned here to see who can give me a better fight. You all hate me just because of how strong I am. That woman I clearly don't give a damn about. And that criminal, too soft and annoying." He said.

"You know! Atleast give respect to your superiors! We're the same rank yet you treat us like we are weaklings! When the general ask for you to be with someone. You are suppose to obey! But you decide to go alone as usual!" She shouted and he didn't give any more responses. He started flying out of the dragon's landing place to the dark territory.

"... Kirito-Kun.."

The woman set me down and I look at her, my eyes were tearing up. "I'm sorry, Kirito could be like that. My name is Eydis synthesis Ten. By what I heard before rescuing you from falling onto the floor. You know him?" She asked and I nod my head. "... Where is Eugeo?" I asked and Eydis looked at me.

"Resting, I put him in my room since I don't want to put him in the medic bay or anywhere that could raise suspension why the runaway criminal that killed the pontifex and caused great hatred among the intergity knights." She answered and I looked down. Looking back at Kirito's face expression. It felt his eyes are lifeless, he didn't care if he was hated or not. He is always going alone in missions from the looks of it of the argument.

"Okay, let's go." I said and Eydis gave me a small smile, I can tell she's trying to cheer me up as she started walking to the gates.

I will get your memories back, Kirito-Kun.

Author note: wooooooohooooo Asuna met Kirito. Yes sure sucks right? I was thinking of making Kirito like The vice pontifex from alicization lycoris and saw himself above everyone,he gave no fucks about destroying the environment or hurting people who get in his way. Plus he has the persona of "being alone" due to his actions in SAO of earning his title "a solo player".

Thanks my big brother for the idea of his personality because I don't want him to be all angry all the time and harsh. Well even though he is-

Anyway, hope ya enjoy this chapter. •^•

Words: 1494

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