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(A/N: A big shoutout and thank you to Stilinski24rulz for the suggestion of who should be Selene/Silver's actor. I like your choice and I appreciate your help.

Selene/Silver Actor: Kaitlyn Ashley Maher

 Enjoy the chapter.)


The 3 kids ran over to Scott's room and tried to wake him up. "Dad. Dad", Selene whispered as shook him a bit.

"What?" Scott said sleepily.

"We heard a clatter" Charlie tried to explain.

"What, Charlie?"

"He means we heard a noise", Selene said more specifically.

"Yeah, and it sounds like it came outside", Willa backs them up.

"Guys, it's just the wind or something", Scott tells them.

"Dad, we know what we heard. That wasn't the wind", Selene tries to convince him.

Scott sighs, "Come on, you three. Go back to sleep".

"Dad, this isn't a--"

A loud thump interrupted Selene and all four of them looked up. "Somebody's on the roof", Scott says.

"We told you!" Selene crosses her arms.

"Maybe it's Santa" Charlie guesses.

"Or a robber", Willa assumes.

"It doesn't matter because either way I need all of you to stay right here", Scott tells them. "Silver, get the phone and call 9-1-1 just in case". He runs out the door to go check out what was going on.

Selene then stands up and turns to Charlie and Willa. "Willa, watch Charlie. Dad forgot I don't follow rules very well".

Willa nodded and Selene ran to grab her jacket. The minute she walked outside, Scott was barely down the steps and he turned around once he noticed his daughter had followed him outside. He frustratingly gestured for her to go back inside but she ignored him and went to look at the roof.

Scott went after her and the two saw a man dressed like Santa standing on the top of their house. "Hey you!" Scott calls out to him.

This startled the man and he seemed to have lost his balance. He began falling off the roof and fell flat on the ground with snow coming up as he did so. Both Scott and Selene froze in fear until Selene broke the silence after a few seconds.

"Dad, I think he's dead." She said, seeing that the man wasn't moving as her dad started to walk towards him as she followed closely behind.

"Selene, stay back." Scott told her, holding his hand out as he looked back at the guy. "Woo hoo?" He asked waving his hand as he kicked the man in his shoe "Hey, buddy." Nothing happened. "All right. You should just stay still. Perfect." He joked as Selene rolled her eyes.

"Mock the dead, why don't you?", Selene complains. "This is nowhere near funny, dad!" She told him as the front door opened.

"You got him!" Charlie called out as he and Willa ran to them.

"Charlie, Willa, stay where you are", Scott said as he was ignored again. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me? I told you to stay up there!"

"It is Santa!" Charlie said as he looked at the fallen man.

"Did you guys kill him?!" Willa asked.

"We did not! And he's not Santa". Scott says.

"Well, he was", Charlie said.

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