The North Pole

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"How do you get in without a fireplace?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know." Their dad told them "One just kind of appeared."

"Awesome". Charlie stated as Selene nodded.

"It kind of is." She told them as Scott chuckled. They were flying off landing on the next house as Scott went through.

But soon once again they were off and the sun was starting to come up "Charlie, Silver, look at the clouds over here. Aren't they pretty?" Willa asks, only to not get a response.

"Charlie! Selene!" Scott yelled, fearing that his kids might've fallen off the sled.

He and Willa then look back as they hear laughing. "We're fine, guys," Selene told him as she and Charlie were laughing in the back of the sled with a dog licking Charlie's face.

"Yah!" Scott yelled as he hit on the reigns and soon Selene and Charlie were back in front. Charlie and Willa fell asleep and both were leaning against Selene's arms. But when Scott made a turn on the sled, they woke up.

"All right. Morning, fellas." Scott told the kids. "Morning sport. Morning Silver. We're done, Comet. Ho ho ho. Back to the house. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. When I wake up, I'm getting a CAT scan!" Their dad yelled as they headed off towards the sun.

*A While Later*

Instead of being back home, the group soon ended up in a seemingly deserted area where snow was everywhere.

"Huh. You know, one of my dreams actual involved living in a snowy wonderland". Willa comments, making Selene laugh a bit despite the situation at the moment.

"Is this okay, dad?" Charlie asked Scott as he stood up and turned to the kids.

"No, it's not okay!" He angrily tells them before turning back to the reindeer. "Hey, does this look like home to you guys?" He asked them.

The reigns soon were pulled out of Scott's hands as the reindeer began walking away "No, no, no, no. Hey, hey! Where you going? Come back here! Oh." He grunted as he sat back down.

"Now what? How are we going to get back home?" Selene asks. Christmas music suddenly starts to play as a little boy came out of nowhere.

"Hey, hey! Hey, buddy! You, sir! Hey!" Scott yelled as the boy seemed to rub his hands together. Selene, Willa, and Charlie noticed he had pointy ears.

"Maybe this is that snowy wonderland dream". Willa says.

"Can you hear me?" Scott continued to try to speak with the boy as he pulls up a pole.

"What's that?" Scott asked leaning towards the kids.

"How are we supposed to know?" Selene tells him.

"I think it's the North Pole." Charlie guesses.

"That's the North Pole?" Scott asks upsettingly. "Hey, buddy you need some help. Hello! What are you doing?" He asked. A keypad of some sort seemed to come out and the boy pressed its buttons.

And soon a noise was heard, the boy crossed his arms and smiled looking at them as the sleigh began going down. Charlie grabbed onto his sister as they headed down, the temperature changing and getting warmer.

The lower they got, the more they were able to see that there was what seemed to be a workshop that had all these kids with pointy ears looking up at them.

They soon finally stop as they reached the bottom. "Where are all the grown-ups?" Scott asked while the kids looked around in awe.

"This is so cool!" Charlie says.

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