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Lee Gi Kwang was watching her with a smile from ear to ear.

He couldn't believe it.

"Really?" was all he could say.

Hwa Young was biting her lips and looked away.

"Unless you don't want too of course."

"No, I really love it" he stood up and wanted to kiss Hwa Young but she rejected him.

"What are you doing?"

"I...I thought..."

Hwa Young sighed. "we are not together if you were thinking that."

"I'm sorry" lee gi Kwang tried.

He could only sigh.

"I'm tired" Hwa Young said. "I'm going home. Thank you for the food."

"Wait, let me bring you home" but before he could follow her, she already closed the door.

"aaish stupid me" he said in himself watching the door.

He went to the Livingroom.

"I'm sorry for this. Please rest well." He texted her.

There was no reply.

He sighed and decided to take small steps if he wanted to win her heart.

 She already had his. 

How difficult could it be.

Every day Lee Gi Kwang was sending the same message.

"Good morning, how do you feel today? Take some rest and eat well."

Hwa Young was brushing her teeth when she was reading it.

She was almost ready for school.

She smiled.

"it will be fine. Don't worry." she replied.

Today she had her exams and after that an ultrasound.

she was nervous about both.

Luckily, she could skip school before everybody could see she was pregnant.

When they were done, Hwa Young and Eun Hi were sitting outside, waiting until most of the students were gone.

 Eun Hi said it was important to stay out of the hustle since it gains stress what was bad for her blood pressure.

Hwa youngs phone beeped and immediately she smiled.

"hey, what's going on?" Eun hi asked.

Hwa Young showed the message of Lee Gi Kwang.

"Can't wait to see how hard our baby has grown."

"aaws, that's so cute." Eun Hi said.

"I know right." Hwa Young smiled.

Eun Hi saw a man waving at them.

"well, I guess you will be happier to see who is there." Eun Hi pointed to Lee Gi Kwang.

Hwa Young turned her head but she wasn't happy at all.

"hello" he smiled to them.

"what are you doing here" Hwa Young almost shouted.

"I'm here to pick you up for the..."

"shhht" hwa young said "are you insane. What if someone will recognize you?" Hwa Young was very pissed.

But it was too late. 

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