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Junhyung his jaw dropped while Dongwoon slapped his forehead.

"Are you crazy? She is a minor" Doojoon said.

"I know it was dumb but I really like her." Lee Gi Kwang sighed.

The doorbell rang.

"Ooh, hold on" he said.

They were still talking to each other while Lee Gi Kwang opening the door.

"Yaah, I still hear you guys" He yelled at them.

He saw Eun Hi on in the door.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"we need to talk." She said with a serious look on her face.

"Wait, how do you know where I live?"He asked.

Without answering his question, Eun Hi went in.

She saw the guys on the screen and she saw Yoseob.

He tried not to move his face but couldn't help smiling at her.

She smiled backed and tried to watch to the other direction.

"Okay guys, I guess I need to go." Lee gi Kwang said while watching weird at the duo which seemed to be flirting with each other.

He closed his laptop.

"So, you wanted to talk?"

Eun Hi nodded. "yes, About Hwa Young. I think you don't really understand her. I might be wrong but I think she likes you. You only are going way to fast."

Lee Gi Kwang raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know she likes me?"

"she giggled and seemed to be very happy with your messages. But i'm afraid . I think she really wants to avoid that. We must take care that there aren't any rumors spreading. The more now she is pregnant" Eun hi was thinking out loud.

Lee Gi Kwang nodded while swallowing.

"I understand. I will try step by step."

Eun Hi was observing him.

She wanted to be sure was not lying.

"okay" she said when she felt he was a good guy. "please take care of her. She needs you. I let myself out." she bowed and closed the door.

"wait, what happened to... ooh she is fast."

He stretched his neck.

This day was pretty rough. He decided it was time to relax and took a bath.

He was sitting in it for almost an hour. His eyes were closed but he wasn't sleeping. He was thinking about Eun Hi her words. "she is still scared of what has happened in the past."

He opened his eyes. "I hope you will open your heart to me Hwa Young" he whispered.

He was hearing a familiar sound.

It was his phone.

With a towel around his hips, he walked to his room.


"Hi Yoseob here. I've been thinking bout your plan and maybe you can do it. I already have spoken with the others and they are all fine with it."

Lee gi Kwang smiled.

"Thank you, I will do a good job.

There was a weird silence for a few seconds. It felt like Yoseob wanted to ask something but he didn't.

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