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Hwa Young saw Eun Hi running to her.

"Oh no, what happened to you? Wait here, I get your gymclothes."

10 minutes later hwa young was wearing dry clothes and tried to dry her hair.

"So, what happened?" Eun Hi tried.

Hwa young watched the ground crying. "I don't know, I ran to the toilet and next thing I've known, was someone throwing water over me. I couldn't even see who it was."

Eun Hi grabbed Hwa Youngs hand. "It will be okay, let's go to class."

It was lunchtime when Hwa Young decided to go home.

She didn't feel well since everybody kept looking at her.

Eun Hi tried to give her courage but it was impossible. As soon as she arrived home, she locked herself up in the bedroom. Hwa young hugged one of the pillows very close.

"How is this possible?" She was thinking.

Suddenly she was alarmed by the sound of the front door which closed.

She heard a knock on her door.

" Hwa Young, I know you are home. Can you please come outside?" Hwa young wiped away her tears before opening.

She saw a bewildered face watching her. His eyes soften when he saw her. "Come here" Lee Gi Kwang said softly before holding her.

"Why are you here?" She asked

"Eun Hi called me. That's why I came home early. Let's talk"

They went to the kitchen where the same pictures from school were laying.

Hwa Youngs face went pale. They were ripped.

She was sure of it.

But then how was it possible they were laying here?

Lee Gi Kwang saw the expression on Hwa Youngs face.

"We got these in the mailbox of allaroundus.

Yoseob and I are trying to figure out who is behind this. I'm sorry it caused you problems at school. Are you okay?"

Hwa Young shook her head.

"I... Can I stay home until you know who is behind this all. I'm not feeling well." "I can't choose for you but honest try to finish it." Hwa young nodded.

" Darling, do you want to talk about it?" Gi kwang asked while raising her chin so he could look her in the eyes.

"I....I just don't know how... It's so much. People were bullying me in the past, people are bullying me now and there is nothing I can do about it except from quitting school."

"But what about your dreams?" Hwa young chuckled "I'm about to give birth before college starts, I have other things to do."

"You know you are not alone this time, right?"

"Can i just go and rest?" She pouted. Her eyes were red of stress and crying.

"Let's sit down. Actually, I would like to know what had happened today..." Gi kwang tried to ask.

He had a glance of worry in his eyes.

Hwa young swallowed a bubble of emotion. "I... I just want to school and saw those pictures hanging. Everybody was disgusted and to avoid more problems I ran to the toilet."

It felt like the bubble was still sticking in her throat.

"But when I locked myself up, someone threw water over me. I couldn't see who it was..."

Lee gi kwang could only nod.

"I really hoped I could end school here since I transferred from another one to this."

She mumbled almost in silence

. Lee gi kwang eyes soften.

" Is it because you were bullied back then?

" Hwa young nodded trying to hold back tears.

"Yes, it was even worse. One of the male students attempted to rape me. His friend had taken pictures and spread it in school. The principal made me leave school."

Her lips were trembling and hands were shaking by the sudden flashbacks she saw for her eyes.

"That's why I didn't want to start this in the first place."

Gi Kwang took her face in his hands. He wiped every tear that was rolling on her cheeks.

"We will end this situation and you will end school. I made you a promise to chase your dreams so I will make it happen." He said while cupping hwa youngs face.

She relaxed by the softness she saw in his eyes.

"Okay but I'm not going to school this week."

"Okay" Gi Kwang nodded.

"Then I better hurry with finding out who it was."

With that said, he took his phone to call Yoseob.

"Hyung, can we meet up? I have something important to tell you.

*What is it?" Lee Gi Kwang asked when he arrived at Yoseob's office.

Yoseob was staring out of the window.

"You aren't been followed right?" He asked.

"What no, why?" Hwa Young asked being confused.

"Okay, look at the quality of the pictures. Isn't there something you recognize?"

Gi kwang watched the pictures carefully.

They showed as couple. It would have been cute if they weren't published.

" They are made by a paparazzi."

"No way" Hwa Young almost cried in disbelief. "Why would someone do that?" "Because it is hot news, I guess." Yo Seob answered before Gi Kwang did.

"So... Now what?" Gi Kwang sighed, Laying the photos back on the table

"we should get the guy." Yoseob answered.

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