Chapter 5 : Meeting The Family!

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It was about half way through 4th lesson in Maths when Isaac poked my arm.

"What?" I asked looking at him. "Want to come over tonight?" Isaac asked. "Yeah that should be fine" I answered.

When lesson finished we went to lunch. We had half the table to ourselves. "Hey guys" Bethany said coming over to us and putting her bag down.

"Ashley's coming over tonight" Isaac said. "Cool, you can meet Jordan. He likes Green Day and My Chemical Romance" Cierra said joining us too.

"Does he go to school?" I asked. "No but he's out a lot with this girl. He's never told us if they're dating or anything but we've spied on him" Bethany said laughing.

They all started laughing and I joined in. "But in all seriousness, we actually spy on him for his own safety" Cierra said after we calmed down.

"Why?" I asked being really noisy. "Well he use to self harm a few months back and we're worried for him so we spy on him so we know. Then we noticed the last few weeks he's been a bit better" Cierra said informing me.

"Sorry, I'm very noisy" I apologised. "It's fine, it's alright talking about it" Bethany said.

**end of school**

Me and Isaac started walking to his. Luckily for me they lived up the road so we didn't go far.

It was just us two because Cierra doesn't finish for another hour and Bethany went home at lunch as she had no more lessons.

"Just to warn you my mum or dad aren't in so it might be me, you and Bethany for a while" Isaac told me. "That's fine" I answered.

When we got to his he searched through his pockets for the keys. I tried not to laugh but it was hard not to. But somehow I didn't laugh out.

He finally found them then opened the door. Right ahead of me were huge stairs. To my right was a few steps going down to a lounge area. To my left was a dinning room and in the corner I could just see the kitchen.

"Welcome to he Frye mansion!" Isaac said. I laughed and then could hear Mario Kart. I followed the sound and found Bethany said on the floor in front of the TV playing it.

"Ginger! Move up!" Isaac said running in, dropping his bag on the stairs on his way. I slowly followed.

"But I'm playing! And I'm wining!" Bethany shouted back. "But I want to play!" Isaac shouted getting into a hissy fit.

"I was on it first!" Bethany shouted. "But I want a go!" He shouted back. "But I'm older then you!" "And I'm younger so I should get a go!" "I got home first!" "I'm a boy though!"

"This can go on for hours" a voice said from behind me. I turned to see a guy in a Green Day top with a blue jacket on and black jeans. On his shoulder was a My Chemical Romance bag.

"Jordan?" I asked. This looked exactly like his discretion so I just guessed it was him. "Yes?" He asked. "I'm Ashely" I said.

"Oh British" he said smirking. "Oh American" I said smirking back. "How old are you?" He asked me. "15" I replied.

"Oh, you don't look it" he said. "Erm, thank you?" I said really confused. "Sorry, I just like knowing stuff" he said.

"Ok. Can you tell me were the bathroom is?" I asked. "Upstairs, turn left, up a few more steps then on your right" Jordan said. "Thanks" I replied and went over to the stairs.

I put my bag next to Isaac's and went up. I followed Jordan's directions.

When I finished doing my business I washed my hands then looked into the huge mirror in front of me. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

I'm so ugly. I'm so fat. Why do I look like this?! I look like shit. Why did I come over here?!

I opened the door and left the bathroom. I stared at the two bedrooms in front of me. It was easy to tell which one was the guys and which one was the girls.

I walked over to the guys room. It was covered in posters. There was a computer in the corner and 2 bed in the middle of the room coming off the walls.

"There you are" Isaac said from behind me. "Oh sorry, I was just looking at your posters" I say going bright red. I can't believe I just went into his bedroom!

"It's alright. Come with me" Isaac said holding my hand. So I follow him down the stairs. He walks to the doors outside and goes over to a treehouse.

He climbs up so I follow him. I sit down across from him. "So why did you want to come up here?" I asked. "So we could be alone" Isaac said smiling.

"Why do you want to be alone?" I asked confused because I thought he wanted me to come round so I could meet his family.

"So I could do this" he says. Before I can replied he places his hands on my cheeks and his lips are pressed against mine. I don't know what to do so I didn't kiss back.

He pulled back and I climbed out the treehouse. I ran back into the house and grabbed my bag then went to the door.

"Hey Ashley do you wa-" Jordan started to ask as I left "where are you going?" But I didn't answer I just left.

"Ash!" I could hear Isaac shout running into the house but I'd shut the door then I started running home. "Ashely!" I didn't want to reply. I just wanted to get home.

Hey guys! So we have met Jordan! Plus Isaac kissed Ashely but she ran away! Awww poor Isaac. But why did she run? Only I know! Please vote, comment, share! Byeeee!

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