Chapter 11 : Doctor Who With His Family!

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Isaac has been really helpful the last few weeks. I haven't cut again since which is great and Isaac is a huge help.

I got out of bed and out my 'Normal People Scare Me' from American Horror Story jumper on with my black skinny jeans.

Then I got my Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance wristbands on with my Avengers necklace and my Black Parade earrings in.

I brushed through my hair and did my usual makeup. I then got my Riot! backpack and went downstairs.

Dad had gone to work but he had left me cooked pancakes. I sat down and ate them.

When Isaac turned up I was ready. He had a checked shirt on with jeans and black Vans. On his shoulder was his Batman bag.

We walked to school hand in hand and talked about stuff.

Being with Isaac made me so happy and made me feel better about everything, including Jamie.

No matter what was up with me Isaac would do anything to make me better and I mean anything!


After school we walked back to Isaac's. When we entered no one was in so we started making out in the hallway.

"Erm!" A voice said. We pulled back to see Jordan standing on the stairs. "Are you two alright there?" Jordan asked smirking.

"Go away!" Isaac hissed. Jordan chuckled and walked into the kitchen. "I'm sorry. He's such an idiot" Isaac said then kissed me.

When Bethany and Cierra got home we all sat down. Me and Isaac cuddled up together. Cierra and Bethany shared a couch and Jordan lay on the other couch.

"Who wants to watch a David Tennet Doctor Who marathon?!" Cierra sId pulling out season 2 which was 10th and Rose.

We all shouted yeah and Cierra out it in.

After the 6th episode everyone had fell asleep. Around the 3rd one we ordered pizza and carried on watching.

Cierra fell asleep not long after pizza. Bethany fell asleep 2 hours ago. Jordan fell asleep half an hour ago and I was fighting to stay awake.

"Hey if your tired sleep" Isaac whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and drifted off.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry it's shit and short. But I wanted to update for you guys! Now I can tell you why it's short though! Because 1st I saw the new Avengers today! It's so good! Obviously I won't spoil it but all in gonna say is fabulous! And 2nd so me and this guy have been getting close recently and I started liking him, so yesterday we hung out and then he asked me out like 2 hours ago! I'm so happy guys! I have someone else! Anyway next time will be better! Byeeeeeee xxxx

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