Chapter 3 : The Rebirth

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You couldn't move.

You couldn't hear.

All you saw was the mangled pile of metal below you that was once your friend.

Your only friend.

"Oops, I might've put more pressure on that than I intended." The cold robotic voice announced. She was freakishly massive, there was no way you could take her down. You were barely the size of her head.

You dangled helplessly in her grasp. Words were held back in fear of meeting the same fate as... —

You kept your mouth tightly closed so that you couldn't scream. No one's going to save you here.

"Another mute lunatic. Will we ever run out of those? I have to...dispose of you before you'll turn out like the last one," GLaDOS seemed to be enjoying this, you couldn't say that you felt the same way. She was GLaD hehe. A sharp pressure on your abdomen forced you to let out a plea.

"No! Don't!" You felt the pressure slightly subside.

"Now, why should I listen to you?" She menacingly craned herself closer to you. You could hear the thumps in your chest growing increasingly hard as you struggled to find the reasons why she shouldn't kill you. Closing your eyes trying to get Wheatley's image out of your mind so that you could form proper words instead of whimpers.

She teasingly applied more pressure to your abdomen. There was something poking at your skin from inside your jumpsuit, then you remembered:

"I—I'M NOT HUMAN! I'M AN ANDROID, PLEASE," you screamed in pain.

"I'M HERE TO TEST!" You felt relieved that it caught her attention. The heat from inside your body made some condensation behind your sockets, escaping from the spaces around your eyes. You were crying.

The tears pieced together the information GLaDOS got from you, "Yes, you must be the prototype. Model 5. Human Alternative Android." She was quite amused as you bawled your eyes out.

"I was looking forward to testing you. I got really busy, you know, being dead." She swung you around, "I'm here now, we can pick up where we left off with this initiative."

You noticed you were moving at a certain direction. You opened your eyes and saw that you were directly above Wheatley's body, she deliberately slowed down almost to a stop, mocking you. Wheatley...

His optic piece was closed. His once spherical shape was now flattened in places it wasn't supposed to. Wires peeked from inside his metal frame emitting small sparks of electricity. You were in denial that something like that could ever happen. It was safe to assume that he was really gone but you didn't want to accept it.

"Wheatley?" you quietly called out, expecting no reply.

"Since you went through the trouble of waking me up—you must be really, really excited to test. I wouldn't blame you, I'm excited, too." She continued to move you slowly.

You flinched when you noticed her other "arm" grabbing your friend's remains harshly off the muddy puddle and lifting it, trailing behind you.

"But there's just one small thing we need to take care of first," She dangled you above a dark tunnel, a bottomless pit.

You let her drop you into the void.

"Oh, and take your garbage with you."

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