chapter 3

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megan's p.o.v.

DON'T FANGIRL DON'T FANGIRL DON'T FANGIRL.........i kept saying to myself and turned my back as soon as i saw ken coming towards me with zayn and pretended to be in a conversation with sofi and char .just then i felt some one tapping my shoulder i turned around aaanndd saw zayn malik standing in front of me, a huge grin plasterd on my face as soon as i saw him "hello there" he said. wait, what? zayn malik said hello to me........OMG THE ZAYN MALIK SAID HELLO TO ME......DON'T FANGIRL DON'T FANGIRL.......calm down calm down "hii" i replied calmly "i was wondering do you wanna grab a drink or something " i just nodded we went to the counter and orderd us drinks. after a few seconds of scilence he said "nice show there"

i nodded and said" thank you"

"so are you a fan?"

"actually I really like your music ,i have been listning to you scince the x-factor"

"i see, a directioner huh?"

"yeah"  we talked for a while. all the time i was having butterflies dancing in my stomach. after a while and a few drinks he said " do you want to meet the rest of the boys " i nodded .he held my hand and took me to them. as soon as we got there harry turned towards us and said " oh, zayine's got a girlfriend there i see" with a smirk on his face ."noo"  zayn and i said in union and i blushed.

"just ignore him" liam said and gestured me to shake his hand .i shook hands with everyone just then my phone beeped , i took it out i had a text from sofi.

SOFI: where the hell are you you just disappeard with that zayn guy. we are supposed to be sleeping at your house remember .char and i are heading out come out soon!!

ME: i am so sorry you guys head towards my appartment i'll be their in ten:) xx

I realised everyone was looking at me "what happend ,you have any problem" niall asked

"nothing i just have to go my friends are wating for me, bye" just as i was about to leave zayn stopped me

"wait do you want to hang out with me some time"

"yeah that'd be great" i said enthusiasticaly, who won't i mean it's zayn malik after all

"so can i have your number" i nodded and we exchanged phone numbers and said good bye. i didn't wanna go but char and sofi would kill me if i didn't so i left and went to my apart ment.

as soon as i got there i saw sofi and char standing there ,they looked angry "where the hell have been?" sofiya asked

"i'll tell you at least get inside first" we went in and changed into comfy clothes and i told them all about the time i spent with zayn "you know what you are blushing" char said ."no i am not" i replied " oh yes you are "sofi commented ,but i actually was just did not agree we talked for a while and they went to sleep in the guest room and i went to my room but i was not sleepy at all i just laid there and was thinking about zayn just then my phone buzzed it was a text from zaym

zayn: you still up?x

me: yeah, just lying on my bed:)x

zayn: i was wondering if you want to meet for dinner tommrow;)

me:sure just tell me where to come 

zayn: no, i'll pick you up at 7 tell me your address:)

me:ok sounds good

zayn: cool and goodnight love, get some sleep:)xx

me good night:)xx

after that i fell asleep thinking about him.....


hii guys hope you lke it. don't forget to vote it if you liked it....................xoxo

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