Apologies (Larry)

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**Author's Note** This goes back to the time when Harry and Taylor were dating ok :)

*Louis POV*

I scrolled through my twitter feed on my laptop. I feel like shit. I probably look like it too. This is New Year's Eve I'm supposed to be happy but I can't be happy. Not when I'm missing something... Someone. Sure I have the Liam, Niall, and Zayn here with me to celebrate New Years but where's Harry? He's with that damn Taylor. Taylor had come and ruin my holidays, and Harry let her. I mean of course it's a publicity stunt... I shouldn't blame Harry. Management out them together. Harry always tells me it's management fault, that they're making him do this. I sometimes believe him but there is always that side of me thinking that maybe he doesn't mind being with Taylor. Maybe he'll actually develope feelings for her and extend the contract so they'll stay together longer. I sighed and closed my eyes hoping that closing my eyes will shut out all my thoughts about 'Haylor', as the fans called them. It didn't. The thoughts came flooding back into my mind. I just can't get my mind off of that.

"Louis hurry up get out here! It's three minutes 'til midnight!" Niall said excitedly standing at my bedroom door. I nodded and put my laptop aside as I stood up and headed out to the living room where the rest of the boys were at. Except Harry.

"Louis, is everything fine?" Liam asked as soon as I walked into the room. Probably because he noticed the bags beneath my eyes, the fact that my face is blank from expression, or the fact that I look like a zombie.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied as I plastered a fake smile on my face.

Nothing's Fine.

Harry is not here with me. That's not fine.

Harry's with Taylor instead. That's even worse.

Harry has even called to wish me happy New Years or anything. That is not fine.

The Things That Aren't 'Fine' list could go on forever.

I looked over at the table and saw four cups of wine. Liam doesn't usually drink but on ocassions like this, he makes an exception.

"5...4...3...2" I heard Niall counting down and I left my thoughts behind and payed attention to him.

"1!" Niall screamed. We all reached for our cup of wine and chugged it down. We all stood up and hugged each other saying 'Happy New Years' but there's nothing happy about it.

"How about we head over to a pub?" Niall asked as soon as we all settled down.

"I'm in." Zayn added.

Liam nodded, "I'll go."

Niall looked at me and raised and eyebrow. "Actually, I'm tired I think I'm just going to sleep." I said.

"Come on Louis! It's New Years! You never turn down an offer to go to a pub.." Niall said obviously showing that he thought something was going on. "I'm tired." I whined.

"Alright. Your loss." Niall said.

They all left my flat that I also shared with Harry. They all hugged me goodbye and said 'Happy New Years' one more time.

As soon as they left I headed back to my room and opened my laptop. Scrolling down my twitter feed again, I found a tweet from one of the directioners I follow tallking about a Haylor kiss and a link. I mentally prayed that it was fake. I opened the link and started watching the video. Harry and Taylor were standing in New York watching the ball drop as people were counting down in unison. I watched as the last second went by. Taylor immediately turned to face Harry and crashed her lips to his. I paused the video there and tossed it to the other side of my bed.

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