Anniversary ~Ziall~

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*Niall's POV*

Zayn knocked our my bedroom door, "Niall."

"Mhm?" I asked opening the door.

He looked at me up and down. I was wearing a t-shirt with baggy pants.He pouted and looked up at my face, "I told you to get ready."

"I know but, I thought we could do something else for our anniversary." I answered.

He looked at me with a confused expression, "You don't want to go to the restaurant?"

I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes "Im ready."

He kept that same confused look before he caught on, "Niall you don't have to.. I don't want to make you feel presssured"

"I want to Zayn." I said and he smiled.

Zayn was always asking about sex. I would always say no and he was fine with that. That's one thing I love about him, he doesn't pressure me to do anything. He would always ask and I would say no and he'd just say "It's ok babe, when you're ready." And kiss my forehead.

I grabbed his hand and brought him in to my bedroom. He lifted my chin with one finger and kissed me while leading me to the bed. I layed him down and started kissing his neck. He moaned as I started to suck harder on his neck. I took my mouth away and looked at the purple mark that I left on his neck. I kissed him on the lips and started to unbotton his shirt. He pulled my hands away from him and flippped us over so I was on top. "Let me go first." He whispered.

He pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. He looked down at my stomach, "You're beautiful." He whispered as I blushed. He unbottoned my pants and pulled them off. He reached over to the drawer and pulled out a bottle. He put some on his cock then tossed the bottle to the side. He placed himself at my enterance. I bit my lip as he pushed in me. The pain quickly turned to pleasure. He thrusted in and out of me slowly. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning.

"Let me hear you." He whispered. He thrusted in a few times and I let out a loud moan.

"Faster." I demanded.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. He trusted faster and my moans became louder. I brought my hands to hips and dug my nails into them.

"Z-Zayn Don't stop." I moaned as I felt myself reaching climax, After a few more thrusts we both came. I laid on the bed panting as Zayn brought his mouth to my cock and licked a bit of the cum off. I gasped as I felt his warm tongue make comtact with my skin. He put some cum and two of his finger and brought it up to my mouth and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged and put his fingers in mny mouth and started to suck on them. He licked the rest off.

"My turn to please you." I said with a smirk, I was enjoying this.

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