The princess, who didn't need no man

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She wasn't an ordinary princess, not the kind you read in fairy tales and stories. No, Dana was different. She wasn't hopeless, or defenseless, or in need of a man to come save her, she was just bored, extremely bored. So when she heard rumors about a legendary dragon coming to capture her, she didn't get scared. Actually, she got excited. "Finally, something exciting is happening in my life," she thought, she was tired of sitting in her castle all day, tired of waiting. She was ready for her first big adventure.

It didn't take long for the dragon to find the castle where she lived, she didn't care. She had been preparing for a day like that all her life. She tackled the dragon, it only took her about five minutes. She stood there admiring her work, wondering what to do with the dragon. She had tied its legs and wings together, it laid there, it couldn't move. As she stood there she kind of felt bad for the dragon, so she decided to spare its life, it had a life after all.

As punishment she decided to lock the dragon in a faraway tower, this, she thought, would teach it a lesson. She decided that after a year of isolation (with water and bread of course) it might change its mind.

Everyone in her kingdom was amazed by what she had accomplished, and every little girl started looking up to her. She had defeated the dragon, and broken the typical image of a weak helpless girl, who needed a man to come and save her. Because she was the princess, who didn't need no man.

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