Oh Brother

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I finally get back to the hideout and check my phone before entering the side door of the bar. The phone brightness nearly fucking blinding me as I read the time...damn its almost 4am. I mentally facepalm at my stupidity, staying out this late when I'm supposed to be up in three hours to go to that damn Entrance Exam. I really wish Tomura would've given me a little more time to mentally prepare for this, a few days maybe, not fucking 13 hours. I take a mental note to annoy him extra hard before I have to leave to the safe house I'll be calling my home from now on.

I walk up those annoyingly loud stairs quickly up to my room knowing the ear piercing creaks would wake up one of the not-so-early birds. I already know Shiggy's never going to let me hear the end of it for coming back so late before such an important mission, on top of that, it's my first mission were I'll be completely by myself. I'm not exactly instilling much confidence in my professionalism, but what can I say? 'Sorry Shiggy I stayed up til 4am 'cause I like watching the sun set and stargazing?' Super 'villainy'. I scoff at myself. Yeah that'll earn me a smack upside my head. No thanks I'll stick telling him I was robbing wealthy business men. Which I mean, I do, but I didn't tonight. Thinking out it now, I probably should have because ill be needing the money since I'll be living on my own now until this mission is over. Awe man...no more Kurogiri making me food and doing my laundry. This fucking sucks.

I'm kinda the worst villain if I'm being honest... I just don't care about anything. Other than my brother that is...he's the only reason I'm in the League of Villains, to find him. Tomura kept his promise to me that night I joined, that he would help me find my brother, but there just hasn't been any leads. I wasn't any closer to finding Kyo, Shiggy told me that his informant within the police force couldn't find him in the foster system, that he had most likely been adopted instead and all his previous identity concealed due to our father being in jail for murder. Yeah....he sucks, but not as much as my mom did. I'm not going to get into that right now though. I hate thinking about my 'family'.

After finally making it into my room without being hackled, I strip off my dirty clothes actually tossing them into the hamper along with the ones I missed yesterday. I'm so proud of myself. I throw on a comfy t-shirt and loose shorts before climbing into to bed and setting the digital alarm clock on the nightstand to wake me up at 7am. Since I didn't pack beforehand I'll have to sneak back here after the exam to get my things to take to the safe house. As I laid there in my little bed and thought of the mission, I realized how lonely I would be without Shigaraki and Kurogiri around, even Giran. Shit! How am I gonna get my weed and smokes now?! Goddamn it, this really fucking sucks. I was really going to miss them...they really became my family these past couple years. Annoying Shiggy and letting, more like needing, Kurogiri to take care of me. It's not like I actually needed him to take care of me, I took care of myself for four years on the streets before they took me in, it was just nice to be cared for. I tried my hardest to keep my tears at bay but one slipped out and made its journey down my face before I abruptly interrupted it with the back of my hand, ending its short travels.

Are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm just not ready to be alone again.

You have me...you're not alone.

I know and you've always been there to protect me. But, it's different, you wouldn't understand.

I don't understand, if you have me then you're not alone. As long as I'm here you are never alone.

You're right, I'm sorry. Thank you.

I'm always here to protect you Mei. When we find Kyo I'll protect him too.

We will. We'll protect him. Sleep now Onyx.

Then finally there was silence and I slowly but surely drift into a deep sleep, but it was anything but peaceful...

"Kyo! Kyo, I'm gonna get you!"

Mei and Kyo laugh hysterically as Mei chases behind him. They were playing tag and now Mei was 'it'. Kyo bobbed and weaved through the small apartment as best he could for a five year old avoiding his older sisters outstretched hands. They weren't supposed to be running inside, but you know how kids are.

Now Kyo was standing behind the medium-sized, worn-out couch while Mei was in front of it trying to get to him. They were at a standstill, Mei not being able to get around fast enough to get to him, and Kyo keeping his distance using the couch as a shield of sorts. Suddenly Kyo makes a break for it across the room at full speed laughing as he watched the frustrated expression on his sister's face. As he turned his head forward again he didn't have enough time to react and dodge the side table in front of him.

"Kyo watch out!"


The little boy barrels into the table at full speed, falling to the ground along with the furniture and large glass jar full of loose change that was sitting atop it. It shatters to the ground with a loud crash, glass exploding everywhere, Kyo getting sliced up in the process. Mei rushes over to boy not caring if she steps on the glass, she just needed to make sure her brother was okay.


Mei gasps, she was so focused on making sure Kyo was alright she hadn't heard her mother storm in. She flinches when her mother raises her voice again.


Tears started running down Kyo's face as he cried out in pain. There were shards of glass in his hands and leg, and a cut across his eyebrow, blood slowly seeping from them.

Their mother ignored the boys cries instead standing him up aggressively next to Mei.

"STAND UP!" Their mother commanded.

"It hurts!" He cried.

Mei watched as her mother manhandled her injured brother forcing him to stand so she could scold them. It made her stomach churn to see her mother abuse him the same way she's been abused all her life. She had never treated him like this before... Just as she was thinking this, her mother raised her hand in the air for the first time ever towards her brother. Mei snapped. That was the final straw. Years of abuse physically and emotionally. Being called a monster by her parents and beat over the smallest mistakes. Years of crying in a dark closet whenever she was 'bad'. She would never let her brother be abused like she is.

Mei activated her quirk unconsciously and her violet eyes glowed. She didn't know what she was doing, she just wanted to stop her mother from hurting Kyo. Her shadow crawled across the wood floors and linked with her mother's. Mei raised her hand causing her mother's hand to stop mid-air as well before she smacked the boy. She makes eye contact with her, the older woman's eyes wild with anger, her daughter's...vacant.

"HOW DARE YOU!" The woman scorns.

"M-Mei?" Her brother looks worryingly upon his sister trying to choke back his sobs, body trembling.

Another shadowed hand snaked up her mother's body stopping at her throat to wrap itself around it. Her mother struggled trying to grasp at her throat to relieve the constricting sensation, but was unable to rip the shadow from her neck. Unfortunately for her, shadows cannot be touched or held...they are pure darkness.

"M-Mei... s-stop you m-monster!" She croaked.

The room then fell silent, only the thud of her mother's limp body falling to the floor.

Then a voice was heard.

Don't worry Mei. I'll always protect you...

A/N: HEY HEY HEY!  Man kinda depressing chapter...
I know it's kinda short, but I hope you liked this weeks chapter!
I've also updated my other books so check that out!
As always thanks for reading my book!
-menzie xx

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