A New Objective

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"Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others. Because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you." -Unknown

A soft knock echoes through the large, slightly less empty room, followed by silence. Clearly not accomplishing its purpose. The lanky man, attached to the scarred knuckles, has very little patience and absolutely no sympathy for his next actions. His fist collides with the wooden doors harshly a number of times. Surely accomplishing what was not the first time around, and if not...

"MEI! Wake your ass up!"

...that definitely would.

Mei thrashes awake, least to say startled by the aggressive wake-up call. What could possibly be so goddamn important as to wake her from her peaceful slumber, a rarity for her? As her vision clears, she notices the floorboards getting awfully close to her face. Oh, she's falling. Fantastic. In the next second, her body collides harshly with the wooden floors with a thud, paired with a profanity or two.

She pulls herself up to a sitting position while rubbing her now throbbing head, her duvet draped over her small frame in a mess. Who pissed in his coffee this morning? The thought amused her since piss in that shit-tasting coffee would probably give it some flavor. Begrudgingly, she stands up, cocooning herself in the duvet, and shuffling her way over to the bedroom door. She opens it to reveal Dabi, still in his pajamas, the said 'shit' coffee in a '#1 Dad!' mug. She wanted to chuckle at the ridiculous mug she stole as a joke housewarming gift, remembering his usual unamused expression sharing a hint of perplexity. It was totally worth the five bucks. However, she needed to stand firm.

"What." A simple word, however, laced in malice. The raspiness in her voice from sleep only added to the effect.

Dabi brings his coffee mug to his partially scarred lips, taking a long, slow slurp of its bitter taste. Surely to annoy the small blonde standing before him, as if he hadn't accomplished that task already. All the while, bringing an envelope up and gliding it side to side in front of her. After he had a mouthful of the dark liquid he tossed his head back to swallow, like one would a shot of liquor. He shuddered at the taste of the cheap, black substance despite its brief travel down his throat.

"This came for you." He manages to choke out, pushing the envelope further toward the girl.

Mei only glares daggers, ignoring a scrap of paper being waved in her face, into the nonchalant, ice blue orbs that continue to test her patience. She wonders if this is the same effect she has on Shigaraki. Man, karma is a bitch.

"That's why you're banging on my door like the house is on fire so early in the morning? Actually, if the house was on fire, you wouldn't wake me up because you probably set it on purpose...ya damn pyromaniac," Dabi smirked at her accurate assumption. "...Just throw it away and leave me alo--" The realization struck Mei like lightning to a tall tree, as she catches a glimpse of the UA logo adorning the front of the envelope, still swaying in front of her. Eyes wide, she stares at the envelope, glancing quickly between the paper and the nuisance still waving the damn thing in her face. "Gimme that." She abruptly snatches the envelope, swiftly retreating back into her room, unsympathetically slamming the door in the male's face.

Dabi stands indifferent to having the door slammed in his face after so generously delivering the mail to her. He didn't fail to notice the UA logo either. He found it odd for a girl who apparently is 'no saint', that so carelessly invited a villain into her home, would care about going to a hero school. UA is the most prestigious Hero School in the nation, getting accepted is no cakewalk, and this little blonde isn't exactly what one would call bright. So either, he greatly underestimated her (wouldn't be the first time), or there's something else she's hiding. Maybe he'd get the answers he wanted from the phone number Mei gave him. He'd give it more thought if he even wanted to get involved. He shrugged it off and went back to contemplating the meaning of life or whatever he was doing before the mail came.

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