Keeping Up with the Villains

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Over the past week, Mei has been anxiously awaiting her (hopefully) acceptence letter, constantly worrying that whoever Shigaraki had take the written part of the exam either failed or put the wrong address. Maybe they already discovered her allegence with The League. Since taking the entrance exam, Onxy has made his presence known more often than usual causing Meis anxiety to run high. He's a bit wary of Mei's new friend Dabi, for good reason I guess. He is a fellow villain. Dabi has yet to call Giran, the number Mei provided him with after her interrogation, said he's a "lone wolf" or something stupid like that. She didn't question it, villians are'nt usually the 'team player' type ,but more the 'fend for yourself' type. He'll join the League of Villians eventually though, Mei had a feeling he had bigger motives than robbing convinience stores. 

In return for letting him live and have a roof over his head, Dabi helped Mei stress-clean and attempted to work on the house they would be sharing. They went on daily (theft) trips around the more well off neighborhoods, picking up anything and everything left out they could carry back to the house. They hoped a bit of decoration and, would make the house look less suspicious as well as make living there a bit more bareable. While Dabi was away doing whatever it is he does, Kurogiri provided a portal in order to allow Mei to retrieve her belongings from her room at the bar hideout. She waited until Dabi was gone in order to avoid questions by both parties. Mei hasn't informed Dabi about her mission since she's just met the guy. This mission is too critical to the Leaugue for it to be jeapordised by loose lips. Any normal person who saw the living situation would think it was weird considering Dabi's age, rightfully so, being as he's a nearly a decade older. However, they already came up with a explanation had anyone become suspicious. Dabi would be a friend of the family that checks in on Mei from time to time. A good enough lie just to satisfy one's sence of guilt for allowing a 16 year old to live on her own and stifle the unwarrented questions. Although the pair are at each others throats most of the time, it was a growing (platonic) friendship.

Now that we're all caught up, back to the story...

A/N: HEY HEY HEY! Very short chapter this week! Last week's chapter was almost 3000 words!! This chapter is basically to give you insight into the short-time skip happening. more of an informational chapter than anything. I'm trying to keep the book canonically correct while also putting my own little twist on it so I'm sorry if some things don't add up to the manga/anime. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. Let me know and show it some love if you are!

-xx menzie

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