Entrance Exam

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" Ah...Shut up already! I know! I know I have to get up!"

I slept like shit last night. It was to be expected since I got home so late. Mr. Sandman was really like, "Dreams? Lmao what's that?". I'm so sick and tired of having that nightmare, I don't regret what I did so why does my brain have to keep reminding me? She was a bitch. Fuck her, I'm glad she's dead.

"Ugh let's get this shit over with."

I walk to my restroom and take a shower to wash last nights activities off. Last night I discovered a new ability of my quirk so I stayed out so late trying to perfect it. It's definitely taking a toll on me today, whenever I overuse my quirk it makes my muscles feel as though they are on fire and my skin starts to turn black. My body will go back to normal after a bit of rest, but since I barely got any sleep last night my muscles are still sore and the tips of my fingers are still black, although that's better as opposed to the entirety of my arms and chest like last night. I finish my shower and get out to quickly get dressed to leave.

It's already warm outside so I'll have to dress accordingly. Too bad I can't wear my 'villain' outfit, it would be perfect for a day like today.

I find a comfortable pair of black workout leggings and a lavender crop top and decide to wear that with all-black Nike running shoes. At this point, my hair was practically dry. One of the perks of having short hair with half of it shaved. All I have to do was make sure the pieces were on the right sides, so I quickly did that and added some quick eyeliner before rushing out the door.

I gave a quick wave to Kurogiri, but before I could make it out the door he tossed a banana to me, which I barely caught in my rush to leave. I shouted a 'thanks' as I ran out the door to catch the train.

Weaving through the crowds I take my seat on the train next to some chick with large horns, black hair with red streaks, and huge dark leather-like wings. Why didn't she just fly wherever she was going? She probably flies a lot though, maybe it's nice to just relax and let the train do the work. Makes sense. I put in my earbuds to listen to some lofi beats to calm my nervousness.

I'm not fond of being out and about during the day. I'm also not fond of people, but the two are generally one and the same, if you go outside 9 times out of 10 you are going to encounter another human of sorts. However, in this society everyone is born with a genetic mutation called a quirk, some don't have this mutation but those are rare. My brother is one of those rarities, I envy him sometimes although I'm sure it comes with its own negatives. One doesn't get to pick and choose what their mutation entails, so being born with a quirk that some deem as scary or harmful automatically excludes you. Some people get it...like Tomura, his quirk is called Decay, he disintegrates anything he touches with all five of his fingers. He hasn't told me much about his past but, with a dangerous power like that, I can't imagine it was all butterflies and rainbows. Mine sure wasn't and my quirk isn't nearly as powerful as his.

I'm pulled out of my deep thoughts by the sound of the speaker announcing my stop. I get up to exit the train and notice the girl I was sitting by was getting off too. I wonder if she's going to the entrance exam too? She looks about my age. Looking at her much more closely this time I notice that he features sort of resemble that of a dragon...cool. Maybe I should ask her... but before I could bring myself out of my shell, with a huge gust of wind she was already a hundred feet in the air and quickly flies out of sight. I guess I'll find out when I get there. With a shrug and a tired sigh I set off to my destination.

Walking up to the huge gates of the UA High School where the entrance exam was being held, I follow the groups of people into an auditorium. There were hundreds of hopeful students here to take the exam. I am in awe of all the various quirks, they were all so interesting. One guy had a bird head, maybe a crow, but I couldn't tell what his quirk was. Maybe he pecks people into submission. I chuckle inwardly at my ridiculous thought although in this society it could've been true. I gaze around the room searching for the girl I sat by on the train. Finally I spot her at the front of the mass gathering, I can only see a bit of her wings but I was sure it was her. I start feeling a bit self-conscious seeing all these people with incredible-looking quirks, how was I supposed to beat all of them to get into the hero course? I mean I'm strong and I have good control of my quirk, but statistically, it didn't seem likely, and if I don't pass and get into the course then the whole mission will be a failure before I even start. Ugh this is such a pain.

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