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"Hey they're back" gally shouted, breaking through my sleep. I instantly jumped up, my foot hurt from running so much yesterday so I decided I should speed walk.

Some of the boys were beginning to wake up, others were already running to the entrance of the maze. I soon saw Tommy and minho carrying alby. They had made it through the night. Yes they did it! I thought to myself.

Tommy let go of alby's body when he reached the entrance, he was out of breath, his brown hair full of sweat "if it wasn't for Thomas here, we would of been dead" minho said out of breath.

"Someone get the med-jacks and take ably somewhere safe" I said


"Hey newt we have a problem" one of the med-Jack boys said. I instantly swung around to look at him. I placed both my hands on either one of his shoulders "what?" I asked, maybe a little too bloody Ruth.

"We've ran out of the antidote" he squirmed. I dropped my hands to my side, it couldn't be true "can I see him?" I asked with a flat tone. "Of course you can shuck." He replied.

As I walked into the room I instantly saw alby's body, he seemed almost life-less, like he wasn't even breathing. I slumped across the room and sat in the chair next to him.

A sudden idea came to my shuckin' head what if Courtney has some of the antidote it was brilliant. "I'll fix you up shuck, I promise." I wispered, and headed out of the the main part of the glade and into the forest.

I got to Courtney's house on no time, I was begining to learn the room off by heart now, I knew every turn to get there.

"Courtney!" I yelled. Loud enough for the other gladers to hear me. It was a call of desperation. I heard some rusling in the trees and looked up. Courtney was in one, hanging upside down.

"Hey newt" she smiled, I was out of breath, she twisted and jumped down without a problem. "What's the matter?" She looked concered now.

"Alby got stung by a griever. And we don't have a bloody antidote. I know it's a long shot, but do you and an antidote?" I grabbed hold of her hands and gently rubbed the top of her hands with my thumb, "please, I'm beggin' you" she looked at me with her big blue eyes, she looked sad.

"I'll go and get what I have left of it" she said and ran back into the house. I ran in after her. She started clattering around on one of the high shelves. S

he grabbed two little bottles and put them in my hands and curled my hands. "Use it wisely on him. There's not much left." She spoke "thankyou" I breathed and pulled her in for a hug.

"Thanks shuck" I half nervously laughed. Pulled away and looked her in the eyes. My heart was beating fast. It was now or never. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against hers. They felt so soft it was like silk. I'm in love with this shuck, and that's never gonna change.

I pulled away from here embrace, a piece of her hair was in here face again so I put it back in place. "Thankyou so much" I wispered. She replied with a smile. I ran out the door and to albys room.

When I got there Tommy was trying to get in the room "let the Greenie in" I said, out of breath. "I got the antidote" I spat. "What is it for?" Tommy asked. I guess it was time for Tommy to know properly about the grievers.

a newt love story (maze runner)Where stories live. Discover now