The Meet-up

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It was the same time the next day and I rushed to the spot they promised to meet. Making sure no one followed me, and I slipped into the forest. "Courtney? Are you there" I spoke, my voice a little raised.

It was silent for a moment then all of a sudden I top a punch on my back "aha got ya' you shuck" Courtney shouted while running away laughing I ran after her, laughing. My shuckin' leg still limped but I didn't care, I felt happy when I was with her.

"Got ya' now greenie" I Said. She laughed. She got her foot and tripped me up. I fell down. Not before grabbing hold of her top and pulling her down on me.

She was so close I could kiss her. Does she feel the same?.I could feel her above me. She was breathing on my neck. Her breath smelt awful. But you couldn't expect a perfectly clean mouth.

She got up an cleared her throat. " I need your help today anyway. That's why I asked to meet up." She breathed, her now not-so bright face was now a pink colour. Embarrassment?

I stood up " what do you nned my help for?" I asked politely. " I need to learn how to use weapons, a girl nneds to protect herself you know shuck?" She said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Okay then shuck, let's teach you what to do" I said with a grin. We spent most of the day along diffent types of weapons out of spare wood. When it was slowly becoming dark I started training her own to use them.

She threw the axe and completely missed the target, I grinned. " you are sick a bloody suck, you don't know anythin'" I said. She threw a twig in my direction and started laughing "like you can do any better?" She said, while raising an eyebrow. "Of course I can" I said.

I walked up behind her and put my hands o. either sides of her hips. "See you wanna put yourself in this position" I said, breathing in her ear. My back pressing against hers, I felt the warmth come off her while she was holding her breath

She turned her head, and we were nose-to-nose. And I could feel her warm breath against my face, she was breathing through her nose. It was short little breaths.

A piece of hair fell infront of her right eye, and I slowly pushed it out of the way, leaving my hand to linger on her cheek,I brushed it slightly, smudging a bit of dirt on her face.

She put down the axe and faced me completely, my hand still on her face while the other on her hip. She was bloody amazing.

I backed away and cleared my throat "uh I gonna bloody go" I rapsed. I heard people calling my name in th main part of the glade, I smiled at Courtney. "See you later slinthead" she spat out a laugh "see you later greenie"
"Newt they ain't back yet" one greasy haired boy said "alby and minho" I instantly had regret in my stomach and ran to the west glade opening, waiting, just waiting with the others. It was becoming dark now

Tommy soon came over "what's going on" he asked "alby and minho aren't bad jet" I said, worrying out of my wits. A couple of minutes after I said that to Tommy, minho appeared round the corner of the maze, dragging alby. Everyone started shouting at minho, I looked at Tommy with worry and be gave the same reaction back.

I started shouting to, knowing that going into the maze was bad. All of a sudden the walls began to close again. Panic rose in me and I was now shouting with all the force in my lungs.

Minho was trying so hard to drag alby, but the doors were closing too quickly. just as the doors were about to close Tommy ran threw them "TOMMY NO!" I shouted but he didn't listen, he turned around just at the last minute and I managed to catch his face.

They were abandoned now, stuck in the maze. Most of the boys left after that, except gally and a few other boys. An urge to run kicked inside me, so I did that. I ran straight into the forest

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