Chapter 2

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As I'm exiting the dispatch area for my lunch break, I litterly bump into a wall of hard mucles of a delicious looking man.

Stumbling backwards until my upper arms are gripped tightly, and the man speaks with the sexiest voice says; "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"

Looking up into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and somehow I manage to answer; "I'm fine, thank you, sir."

"I'm Miles, and I am looking for Andrew Storm," he answers with a sincear smile.

"Hi, I'm Adrian, and let me take you to his station," I answer with a little sad smile at the thought of them together, which is crazy since I just met this man, and have no control over anything in his life.

Turning around, I walk Miles to Andrew's station where I stop; "Hi Mr. Storm, I have a visitor here for you. I hope you have a good day, gentlemen."

"Adrian, hold on a moment, please?" Andrew quickly requests as he stand while taking his headset off to place on the desk.

"Yes, Mr. Storm?" I answer, turning around to face him with raised left eyebrow; I want to leave for my lunch, but I won't be rude to Mr. Storm since nana raised me better than that.

"Are you heading out on your lunch?" he asks as he and Miles walk toward the door, and Andrew snags my right elbow in his left hand to propell me along with him.

"Yes sir, I am," I answer as I stumble beside him to keep up. "Why?"

"You're going to have lunch with Miles and I then," Andrew answers much to my horror.

Widening my eyes, I manage to say with out stuttering; "Oh no sir, I don't want to intrude on your time together!"

"Nonesense," Andrew replies as Miles chuckles lightly. "In the time we have worked together, I have never had the chance to get to know you. Besides, you're not intruding when I'm inviting you."

"Just accept, Adrian, otherwise papa won't stop until you agree?" MIles says with another chuckle.

My body shivers at how lovely my name sounds rolling off his tongue; "Wait a second, he's your papa, and not your boyfriend?"

"Yes, he's my papa and not my boyfriend," Miles chuckles, and my entire body burns crimson from embarressment.

When I glance at Andrew, he nods in confirmation of what Miles says, I mumble out; "Oh, my bad."

We exit the building to walk down the sidewalk to the cafe two doors down from work, so I decide to change the subject; "Thank you for including me, sir."

"Please call me Andrew," he replies with a broad smile.

"That's going to be wierd since I have a son named Andrew," I sheepishly reply with a shy smile.

Entering the cafe, we sit at a table since there is a sign out stading to do this. I already know what I am going to order since I've been here plenty of times, and Andrew and Miles glance over their menues. Andrew and Miles are sitting next to each other across the table from me as I am sitting across from Andrew. The server arrives to take our food and drink orders before walking away.

"That's right when I started working at this dispatch, you had just come back from paternity leave a month later," Andrew says with a fond smile at me.

Shaking my head as I tell him; "That was for my second son, Addison. Andrew is my oldest son."

"How old are your boys?" Miles asks, and he has an odd expression on his face, and I don't know what it means.

"Andrew is 2-years-old, and Addison is 1-year-old," I reply with a fond smile as I pull my cell from my front pocket to show them the picture of my boys cuddled together on the couch, the home screen; I point out who is who.

"Your boys are adorable!" Andrew gushes as Miles smiles at the picture I took a week ago.

"Who do they resmemble more, you or your girlfriend?" Miles asks, looking at me curiously.

The server arrives then with our order, so I wait to answer when they leave; "They are an equal mixture of Vincent and I. Vince is their other dad."

"I'm a male carrier," I explain at their confused expressions. "So, I'm the one who gave birth to them both."

My entire body flushes cherry red as they silently stare at me, and I start to become uncomfortable the longer they do this.

"Excuse me, please," I mumble while standing up to rush off to the bathroom, and lock myself in a stall.

Quietly I cry as I check the time on my cell to find I still have fifteen minutes left of my break. I think I will just pay for my food, get a to-go container, and eat my lunch at my dest. Leaving the stall, I wash my face off with water, dab it dry, and take several deep breaths before exiting the bathroom to get a container from the worker behind the counter. Heading back to the table, I place the food in the container silently.

"Adrian, we were just surprised is all, we didn't mean anything bad by our silence," Andrew soflty says, and his voice sounds guilty, but I'm not positive.

Glancing at him with a blank expression; "It's fine, Mr. Storm since I'm used to people looking at me like I'm a freak. I love my boys with all my heart, and I wouldn't change a thing about how they were born, I wouldn't even change who their dad is even if we are not together anymore."

Taking my wallet from my back pocket, I place a ten dollar bill on the table before placing my wallet back, and take my container in hand; "That will cover my share of the bill plus the tip. Have a good day, gentlemen."

Walking away, I exit the cafe to walk back to work, where I clock in, and head to my station where I sit to eat my lunch. When I have finished, I log back into my computer as I place the headset on, and take several deep breathes to clear my head. I can't let things bother me especially while I'm at work or with my boys.

During the call right after lunch, I feel as if I am being watched, so I discretly look around the room, and I find Mr. Storm gazing intently at me with a sad expression. I'm sure he and Miles feel horrible about the situation at lunch, but I have learned over time to guard myself from others, and I let that down at lunch. I have learned that most people either silently freak out about my ability to become pregnant, or they verbally freak out on me, so I am usually guarded around others.

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