Chapter 8

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"Thanks for watching the boys," I tell Blaze after I open the door to let him inside the apartment.

"Never a problem, man, and you know this," he replies. "Where are my boys?"

Grinning at him as I lead him into the living room where the boys are; "Boys, uncle Blaze is here."

Andrew and Addison are sitting on the floor playing with their 'Paw Patrol' toys as an 'Paw Patrol' episode plays on the televison on low. They look up with bright smiles at us while climbing to their feet, their toys forgotton as the rush toward Blaze.

"Unkie Baze!" they holler together as they run at him, and he drops down to his left knee to catch them agains this broad chest.

"Hello my boys! I have missed you!" he cheerfully says as he kisses them on top of their blond heads before standing to his feet with them on his arms.

"Bye, my babies," I tell the boys as I kiss them on their cheeks with a soft smile. "I love you both, and please be good for uncle Blaze."

"We goo'," Andrew defends himself and Addy with a scowl which is so freaking cute.

"You're right, Andy," I agree trying not to laugh at his serious scowl.

Blaze looks at me with a reassuring smile as he states; "Go. We will be fine, Ad."

"I know," I sigh with my own smile at the three of them. "I love you guys, and I am bringing home dinner."

"Pissa!" Andy and Addy cheer cuasing Blaze and I sto loudly lauhg.

"Pizza it is then," I agree with a grin before leaving the apartment to take the elevator down to nana's apartment.

She is leaving her apartment when I arrive, so we leave the building once she has locked her door, to climb into my vehical. Driving us to the prision, we head inside once I have parked to walk through the metal detector before making our way to the visiting area where we sign in.

Sitting down at one of the round tables, we wait for dad to arrive. When he enters a few minutes later, it is behind three other men, and I instantly stiffen when our eyes make and hold contact. He sits down across from us with a tentative smile.

"I'm glad you both came," dad starts off, and my hands instantly violently shaking in my lap. "You are looking good, mama. Adrian, you look just like your uncle Kent the older you get."

"How have you been, son?" nana asks him with a tight smile, I think she is aware that I'm scared.

"I've been good, considering where I am," dad answers as he briefly looks at me before focusing on nana again. "I want to apologize to you, mama for being a horrible son to you. I am truly sorry for being a disappointment."

"Adrian, I also want to apologize to you for taking away your trust in you mama and I as your parents," he tearfully says as I stare blankly at him. "I stole your innocence over something you couldn't control having. I just hope you never produce children that way."

Instantly pissed as I growl; "Fuck you! That is not a fucking apology for what you did! Just so you know, I have two babies that I birthed Don't ever fucking contact me again. Oh, and go to hell where you belong!"

Standing without another glance at my father, I quickly rush from the area after signing myself out, and I refuse to let the tears of anger and frusteration fall because of him.

Miles' P.O.V.

I have to do another take because I think I see Adrian enter the bathroom at the jail. Enter the bathroom, I think I am nuts because why in the hell would he be here. There is soft sniffling coming from the closed toilet stall, so I move to stand in front of it.

"Are you alright in there?" I gently ask, knowing it's a stupid question since the person is sniffling, and I hope the person answers me.

"I'm fine, thanks," the male voice meekly answers, and I am now postive it is Adrian.

"Adrian, come on out," I softly command when he let's out another gut wrenching sniffle.

There is utter silence for a few seconds before the lock is moved, and the door slowly opens to reviel a blotchy faced Adrian. His eyes are red and puff, and he has tears silently running down his beautiful face.

Reaching out, I carefully pull him into my arms to settle him against me. He lets out a small, pitiful sob as he tightly wraps his arms around my middle while he digs his face into my neck. Rocking us side to side gently, I just hold him silently as he cries out whatever is hurting him.

"I'm sorry for ruining your uniform shirt," he mumbles, his face still buried in my neck.

"Hey, it's okay. I would rather have tears on it than other things that it has had on it," I say with a chuckle, hoping to get a smile or a laugh from him.

Adrian gives me a tearful chuckle, and I give him a final squeeze before he steps back with a shy smile; "Thanks Miles,"

"Not a problem," I answer. "Why are you in here and crying,  if you don't mind my asking?"

"I was stupid enough to agree to visit dad with nana," he answers with a shrug of his thin shoulders.

His dad must have said something hurtful and stupid to Adrian. This spikes my anger towards a person I have never met in my life.

"I am supposed to visit my mum, too, but I don't want to stay now," Adrian continues as he scrubs his face with his hands in irritation.

"If you don't want to stay for that, I can help you cancel the visit," I offer trying to be helpful, and I hate seeing him hurting and crying.

"Thad would be fantastic, thanks Miles!"he murmurs with a tiny, thankful smile.

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