Chapter five

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Its been 3 years since the attack from Loki and me i have gotten more comfortable with the others and i can talk to them now. Tony does still call me mousy but i think thats gonna stay forever and he acts like my older brother sometimes. The team do also know that me and Clint are dating and have been for a three years but I'm fine with that. Natasha has been bugging me and Clint to have a bloody kid but we can both agree that we don't want a kid yet due to still going on missions and stuff. Un like Natasha though i can have kids because she seemed to move up in levels better than me and graduated before we left but i didn't graduate. Fury also kind of had a problem with me and Clint dating because he was afraid that it would make the missions worse and if one of us got hurt then the other would be very sad, but that would happen even if we weren't dating because were best friends, he got over it after a while anyway. Ive also gotten better at my telekinesis and can control all of it now but sadly i can still be mind controlled. (Hehe, you'll see why i added that)


I walk into the meeting room to see everybody already there.

"So what's the plan today cap" i grab one the communicating devices and put it in my ear.

Steve- "we're gonna take down a hydra base, we have a feeling that the septer is there so tony is gonna go and check it out while we 'distract' the other" he walks over and grabs one to while passing one to Natasha

"Okay, I'll go tell Clint and then get ready"

Natasha- "where is Clint by the way" i look over at her and chuckle

"You'll never know" i walk out of the room and then head into one of the vents to find Clint fiddling with his arrows and i go and sit next to him.

"Where taking down a hydra base today so you gotta go suit up" i get up again as he looks at me

Clint- "copy that babe, be careful okay" i pass him a device and he outs it in

"Copy that" i get out of the ents and then go and get changed along with getting some weapons in case Natasha runs out.

Your outfit like usual

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Your outfit like usual

I walk over to the jet and start to get it ready waiting for everybody to get over, they take forever but bruce is first to come.

"We good to go today brucey" he looks at me and smiles and then nods

Bruce- "I think the big guy knows what to do" smile back at him and lip sync smash with some hand movements to make him laugh. Clint then walks in and sits next me on the jet along with the others

Clint-" we ready to go" they all nod and then me and Clint start to jet up, surprisingly throughout the years we had showed Steve how to fly the jet but he only does it in case of emergencies. After about a half hour of flying we landed and made the ship go invisible due to the great tech tony made and then head out to find a car or something, bruce stayed on the ship and didn't turn into hulk i case we didn't need him. Steve actually found a motor bike though which was cool. We get in the car and then jump over a fence and all start to 'distract' hydra.

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