Chapter nighteen

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(Hawkeye episode four.2)

Clint helps Kate out with Kazi while I find somewhere to get out

Kate- "i was doing fine" Clint picks up his hearing aid

Clint- "My hearing aid smashed, come on we gotta go" we start running to the door 

Kate- "but that girl still has a my bow"

"We need to get a car, and her name Maya"

Kate- "oh, can we take this one, man this thing's beautiful" Clint smashes another car

Clint- "I'm not smashing a 72 challenger, come on, youth, lets go" Kate looks at me disappointed

Kate- "yes boss"

"Hey get over hear i need yo to drive"

Kate- "what i don't know how to drive"

Clint- "Come over here"

Kate- (signalling) you, you drive i shoot

Clint- "I'm not hearing you, you drive, okay?"

Kate- "why can't y/n drive"

"I can't drive unless I have a certain braise on"

Clint- "Come on, come on" Clint gets the car starting and than men start running out of the building

Man- "lets go lets go, watch out" we all get in the car with me in the back somehow

"Wait wait wait where out of regular arrows"

Kate- "what do you mean, we're, oh, my god, trick arrows"

"Definitely not this one" I start to remove arrows

Kate- "you don't have to say definitely like that" I grab one

"What about that one"

Clint- "No not that one, this is too dangerous"

Kate- "this one fine, I'm using this one" she grabs the arrow and sticks half her body out of the car window

"Hey, be careful"

Kate- "i was born careful" i just look at Clint with a serious look

Clint- "They're not regular arrows" Kate shoots the puddy arrow onto Kazi's car window making them swerve a little bit"

"Hit the wheels with the putty arrow"

Kate- "great idea i'll do that as soon as you label these damn things"

Kate- "This would be a lot easier if we where facing the other way"

Clint- "It'd be a lot easier if we were facing the other way"

Kate- "hey where communicating" she looks at me and I laugh

"Hang on" Clint turns the car to then go backwards and drives backwards through the ongoing traffic

Kate- "holy, there are four more arrows more dangerous than that one" Kate then shoots the plunger arrow not knowing that it doesn't do anything she than looks at me and I chuckle knowing the real reason

Kate- "a plunger arrow, what the trick, thats completely useless"

One of the men get ready to shoot at the car until Clint drives into a Christmas tree selecting thing, Kazi then joins behind until Kate shoots another arrow causing a bunch of trees to go onto the car.

Kate- "what the hell is that one called"

Clint than says "sorry Santa" as he drives over the balloon figure but then pops back up making me laugh

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