Chapter fourteen

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(Hawkeye) (this is the same as my other one I'm just adding in that we miss ton and have telekinesis)

I sit down next to Clint in the theatre with Nathanael by his side and Lila and Cooper by mine.

I look around as the show starts and start to remember what had happened that day  and one of the accidents that have occurred


Tony then takes Clint up to the top of the building

Clint- "took you long enough" he turns around and laughs

"Haha, very funny, you know I'm terrible with new people" i walk over to him and start to shoot some of the people

Clint- "you where fine with me, didn't lie to me at all" he turns around and starts to walk to me and i just look at him and smile

Clint- "what did you not tell me" he stops walking and just looks at me until a chituri ship comes crashing towards Clint so it move him away with the telekinesis and then move the chituri ship in the other direction while making it explode. I then stand there for a second due to not using it in a while and Clint slowly gets up and walks up to me. I just stare at him hoping he doesn't get angry at me.

"I'm sorry i should have told you, don't be angry" i continue to look at him as he grabs my hands and just looks at me

Clint- "i wouldn't get angry at you for not telling me something, but that was cool" he smiles at me and i smile back, i then quickly kiss him shocking him but then i go to walk away and he gabs my arm and kisses me more deeper.

*end of flashback*

I snap out of my zoning before anybody starts to notice and watch the play as it goes on until I notice Clint not looking so good. Probably because everything reminds him of Natasha, ever since she died he's hasn't been good if he sees something about her or reminds him of her, I haven't either including seeing things of tony and it just reminds me of how much i miss him, but i hide it well enough for Clint to not notice.

"Hey honey are you ok, you don't have to watch it if you don't want to" he doesn't seem to hear so I presume his hearing aids off . Throughout the years of him loosing his hearing we had started to learn sign language.

I wave my hand in front of his face a few times making him look at me.

"Did you turn your hearing aid off" I say quietly but making sure he can still hear

"what, oh no, it doesn't matter anyway we were there. I'll tell you who wasn't there, that guy" he says while pointing to the guy who seemed to be dressed like Scott
(Ant man)

"Are you ok, we don't have to watch it if you don't want to"

"No it's ok the kids wanted to see this, I'm just going to go to the bathroom"

"Ok, I'll meet you outside then and we can go get something to eat"

"Okay" he pecks me on the lips before walking to the bathroom

"Where's dad going" Nathanael say quietly

"He's just going to the bathroom but where going to meet him outside and get something to eat ok" I grab his hand before pointing out to Lila and Cooper that where leaving

Then Nathanael jumps up and speaks
"Okay, where are we going"

"How about we let daddy decide"

We walk out of the theatre seeing Clint already standing there waiting, then Nathanael runs up to him and he picks him up making me smile

Nathanael- "why is everybody singing and dancing about stuff "

Clint- "I don't know, anyway where we going to eat "

"Mom said you get to pick"

Clint- "Really, thats rare, seeing I get to pick" he then whispers something into his ear

Clint- "Okay, don't tell mommy though ok"

"Okay, let's go" Clint puts him down and then they start walking to the restaurant, already knowing what place it is I continue to walk with them letting Lila and Cooper know where we're going.

*time skip to in the restaurant*

Clint- "so what do you guys want to do this Christmas"

Nathanael"we cold make ginger bread houses"

Cooper- "and then we could buy ugly sweaters"

"That sounds good what about you Lila"

Lila- "can we do a movie marathon"

"Yeh, let's just hope where all home for Christmas this year"

Nathanael starts shoving food in his mouth

Lila- "your gonna puke if you have anymore, and if he pukes you two are cleaning it up" she points to Cooper and Clint.

The kids than throw there towels at Clint and I causing us to all laugh. After dinner we just ended up heading back to the hotel and I started packing while the kids where in bed and Clint was watching the news.

"The news reports that there is a new person in town or a person back that may be called Ronin" not hearing the news I continue to pack until Clint speaks up

"Honey come have a look at this" Clint says in the stern voice. I walk over to him looking at the tv, I become shocked seeing what picture lays before me.

"I thought you lost the suit when Thanos blew up the compound" not looking at him I continue to stare blankly at the tv but a little frightened

"I did lose it but it seems that somebody's found it" he looks at me seeing the expression on my face and then pulls me into a hug laying my head in his chest.

"You know how many bad things that happened in that suit and all the enemies that where created" I mumble into his chest while he kisses the top of my head

"I don't think where going home anytime soon"


Word count 1009

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