Chapter twelve

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(Infinity war, and if you've come from my other story you've l ready read this but I've changed it a bit 🙃)

Me and Clint have been on house arrest but it ends today so its not that bad. Clint is with Lila practicing archery while I am with the boys starting lunch.

"what do you guys want on your hotdog, mayo or mustard"

Lila- "who puts mayo on a hotdog"

Clint- "probably your brothers" "two mustard please"

Nathaniel-"can I have ketchup"

"Yeah, or ketchup I got ketchup"

After a few minutes the food is ready and I yell out and tell them. Out of no where a bunch of dust flows through the air. I look up and notice the boys aren't there and hear Clint start to yell for them.

Clint runs over in my direction not seeing me

"BOYS, BABE, babe, oh god ,BABE" he starts to look around in every direction

"I'm here, I'm here don't worry" he embraces me in a tight hug

A few days later and Clint's no longer at the house he keeps leaving when ever he pleases and is gone for days to weeks without telling me anything.

(I got this idea from somebody else if you know there name please put it in the comments)

Eventually I had enough and just went to the compound and stayed with Nat. Even though I barely slept I still helped Nat out with her work and all sorts of stuff.

(Present day)

Its been about 4 years since i left Clint to live with Nat. I make myself seem fine around the others but when I'm alone i have no courage to lie anymore, the person who was keeping me alive has left. Even though i have been keeping track of him with Natasha I haven't bothered to go and find him. Most of the time i either help nat with her work or even go to the talk that steve has with others to keep my mind of things but when i cant do that i just wander around the compound and the streets seeing what happened when thanos got rid of half the population. I haven't used my powers in a while and I'm not planning on it either, everyday i feel like there slowly drifting away more and more.

Scott came back a few days ago with a plan of time travel, we had asked tony but originally he had said no but then changed his mind when he came to the compound. The others had an idea of getting Clint back and because I've been tracking him with Natasha throughout the years we knew where he would be next.

While packing to go and get Clint back bay had came up to my room

Nat- "you don't have to go if you don't want too"

"I have to see him eventually, let's just hope it's not hard to find him"

Nat- "don't worry we'll get him"

Before we go me and Natasha go and say good bye to the others.

Tony- "be careful okay Mousey" i smile at him and give him a hug and then get on the jet. Tony is like a big brother to me so as soon as i saw him he saw that I haven't gotten much sleep since clint left.

We start to head to were we think clint would be at the time. Due to the change of Timezone we had to make sure we didn't sleep for the flight there or even on the way back.

We arrive and me and Natasha grabbed some weapons just in case and then started to walk to the building where he should be. Due to it raining though it is a little harder to see but we managed.

"So he's supposed to be around here"

Nat- "yeah, apparently in that building" pointing to one not far away from us

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