Well Hello Fat Man

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Jaune POV

Me Ren and Cardin broke off from Yang and Neptune.  I've dealt with my fair share of paladins so I rush over to help the others. 

Ren: Any idea whe-


Ren: Nevermind.

We looked over to see Sun and Blake running away from the Mech in question.  We bolt after and try to cut it off.

Jaune: Okay, we should be good as long as we don't go to any congested areas or long strip of....and they fucking took it onto the freeway.  FUCK MY LIFE.

Cardin:  Well we can't catch them now. All we can do is hope they are safe.

Ren: Indeed, I have a question though for you Jaune.

I look over at Ren, I'm sure he wouldn't ask anything too bad right?

Ren: Who's Elvis?

God dammit the one I hoped they wouldn't ask about. 

Jaune: Well like I said at Juniors, big fat guy, uses shaolin style, loves cigars, and is a decent guy strangely enough.

I go over the first time I met him.

(I'm going to keep their encounter similar to the game in terms of introduction.)

Jaune: After we fought I axe kicked him into thr second floor and I haven't seen him since.

Ren: So lemme get this straight, a Mexican Shaolin Monk is a leader of a Vacuo Cartel, had gay second hands, and is after the God Hand.

Jaune:  Pretty much yeah.

Cardin: Your life is weird now bro.

Jaune: Oh definitely.   Anyways we gotta move. Hopefully we can find them before any major damage is done to the city. 

It's like the gods of comedy heard me say that. After about 3 minutes of walking I heard a loud explosion.  

Jaune: Just fucking once... please

Cardin pats me on the shoulder as I stare at the ground.

Ren: Uhhh guys? We got company.

I look up and see white fang members glaring at us, with weapons drawn.

Jaune: Do you guys have your gear on you?

Cardin and Ren: Yeah/Good to go.

Jaune: Alright, let's get to work then.

I crack my knuckles and stare them down.

Jaune:  COME ON let's rock!

The white fang started running at me and to be honest I wonder their IQ. I dropkicked a handful of them, sending them into the ground while Cardin and aren't were fighting off their own set.  After about 3 waves of assholes their boss showed up, he was a big guy, tatted arms kinda looked like a douche. While we were running at each other a sudden fire ball came and knocked him into a wall.  The down side. I knew where that fireball came from.

Jaune: Well then fat boy. You decided to show up?

I turned to the side to see Elvis.

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