Fist Bump

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to upload lately, I've been dealing with major writers block and I have been busy since my wife is pregnant. But I'm going to try and upload a little more consistently. Much love and appreciation to all who have followed me.

3rd POV


It has been a very relaxing few weeks of respite for Jaune and his friends, since arriving back majority of the disturbances in Vale have slowed tremendously. Word has also traveled about a new warrior known as the Devil Hand, though Jaune hasn't seen the individual he is said to have a enormous power output.

Jaune leans against the wall near the busy streets of Vale, he looks on and notices there is a man resonating the same power as his God Hand.

Jaune: "Now then, whats this I see?" He pushes himself off, seeing the larger man wearing a hood, he started to tail him a little bit.

The larger man weaved his way through the foot traffic with ease, shocking Jaune seeing as how he was definitely a larger man.

Jaune: "Where the fuck are you going?"

As he followed him a little longer the larger man turned the corner into what looked like an alley way.

Jaune: "Ominous." He followed into the alley only to be met with a large hand grabbing his throat. "OH FUCK!" He was lifted as the hooded man looks up to him.

???: "So, wanna explain to me why you're following me?" He looks to Jaune's right arm and notices the brace. "Soo, you're like me it seems. Interesting." He throws Jaune behind him, luckily for Jaune he was able to flip out of it. "Well then, let's see what you got, yeah?" The man lifts his leg and slams it to the ground like a sumo wrestler and gets into a stance.


Similiar to this)

As Jaune looked at him, he couldn't tell a face, but could only see his left arm, it had a beautiful tattoo on it.

(Similiar to this)

As his muscles flexed, Jaune noticed that his arm had energy radiating off of him.

Jaune: "Well. Can you at least tell me who you are?"

???: "You gotta earn that right brotha." Jaune entered his fighting stance as well.


The two looked over to see multiple white fang members. They all drew their weapons and charged at the duo.

Jaune: "I guess the figh has to wait."

???: "Unfortunately so." The White Fang grunts charged in, as they got close enough the air was flooded with the sounds of screams. The stranger slammed his hands down, causing a seismic shock to go through the area. The grunts lose their footing as they stumble. "Well! You had all that Bravado! Bring it on!" He ran through and started slamming his hands against the wave of grunts.
(Think of E Honda's hundred hand slap from Street Fighter)

Jaune whistled, seeing how efficiently he was dispatching the grunts. Though he was no slouch either seeing others fighting always intrigued him.

Jaune: "Not bad, you remind of someone I knew when-" As he looked again he saw his left arm glow. The energy coursing through it bursted as the slaps went through. Blowing his hood back, revealing to Jaune an old friend. "HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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