Meeting The Parents and Dates with a Spartan

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Jaune POV

Me, Olivia, and Elvis were at Junior's Club in the VIP section,  it was actually nice just relaxing for a little after all the crazy happened. 

Jaune: So what's on your mind big guy?  We all know about big people and spooky.

Elvis laughed at this, he knew immediately what I meant. 

Elvis:  Indeed Amigo, I think it's time we work together now.  We've been at each other's necks for too long and to be honest, I grow tired of burning a bridge I enjoy.  Besides, we both can agree we'd be better friends than enemies.  Wouldn't you agree.

He puffed his cigar and smiled at me.  I won't lie the idea of actually being his friend now was appealing.  Elvis is a good guy. But I was still worried about the elephant in the room.

Jaune:  What about the cartel?  You have to do anything else with them?

Elvis: I'm going to bring them into it, if they don't wish to follow, I'll be leaving my best to lead them.  I can't force them to do anything they don't want. 

I knew it, I love this big bastard.

Olivia:  So what do you have in mind?  I'm not sure if you are aware yet. But Salem is immortal, meaning the damage we do to her means nothing.  Unless you have a better idea, cause if so I'm all ears.

Elvis: Way ahead of you Bonita, I know that we can't best her in normal means, but what if we were able to rid her of the curse?  Or at least the Grimm corruption.  That way, we may be able to restore him to her human form.  And than we can deal with Oz whatever the fuck he is now. 

Jaune:  That's an interesting way to look at this.    Maybe we can find an alternate. 

While we were sitting and talking, Junior and the twins approached us with a bottle that looked expensive. 

Junior: I still owe you a drink for stopping Yang,   please accept this.

He poured a drink for me and I took, after all it'd rude not to.  The twins were looking at Olivia wiggling their eyebrows. I grew worried because of their history at trying to take my cheeks.

Jaune: Thank you Junior, you don't owe me anything though, if anything it's a pleasure since you helped me get into Beacon in the first place.

That's right the transcripts that started all of this were from Junior, he helped me get to where i am now. 

Junior:  Nonsense, you've grown into a strong huntsman, or at least officially.  Off the record, you the greatest enforcer I've ever had the pleasure of working with.  And thank you as well Olivia. Your connections have helped me get more info expanding my business.  You two have been a blessing.

The twins walked over to me and planted kisses on both my cheeks, Elvis did a spit take because he wasn't expecting that, but he's also new.

Jaune: Oh yeah, Elvis, you know the twins? Well they are my girlfriends... along with Olivia.. and four others..... oh God I'm a slut aren't I.

Olivia and The Twins:  Yes, but you're our slut.

I slam my face into the table and Elvis pats my back.

~Time Skip

We broke off from the club and headed to Beacon.  I've noticed that I haven't spent a lot of time with Phyrra,  and I didn't want her to think I'm just ignoring her.

Olivia: Hey you okay?

I look over and Olivia is looking at me with worry in her eyes. 

Jaune: Yeah, just thinking about Phyrra, I'm going to ask I'd she wants to go on a date tomorrow, is that okay with you?

Olivia: Of course it is love, thank you for actually asking though, it just shows how considerate you are.

She gives me a peck on the cheek.

Olivia: Good ask her love, I'll see you at the dorm.

I walked to team JNPR's dorm, I felt bad not spending time with Phyrra, I hope she understands I've been busy.

I walk up and I'm about to knock when I hear people inside. 

Jaune: Oh, I wonder whats going on?

I lean my ear on the door and hear moaning.

Jaune: Oh my!


My eyes went wide.... I didn't think they were.... more I didn't think Ren was that kinky, Nora I agree 100 percent.

???: You know listening in is rude.

I turned around and saw Jane, she had company with her.

Jaune: Oh shit we are doing this aren't we.

???: My baby?! MY BABY BOY!!

Within seconds I felt the embrace of my mother,Juniper. 

Jaune: Hi mom, I need air!!!

I started flailing around and trying to wiggle out.

???: Is it really you son!?

I look and see my father, Nicholas.  He ran over and grabbed me in a hug also. My face was slowly turning blue.

Jaune: Daddddd Can't BREATHE!!!!!!

Jane: Dad he's turning colors let him go!

He let's me loose and I fall to the ground.  I swear my strength makes sense now.

Jaune: I know I owe you guys an explanation,  but please lemme do something Important first, than I'll tell you everything. Jane, do you know where Phyrra is? 

She gives a shit eating grin. 

Jane" Oh you mean your girlfriend?

My eye twitched as I saw my mom start glowing, and my dad having prideful looking eyes.

Nicholas and Juniper: GIRLFRIEND!!!

Jaune: Yeah one of th-  fuck.

Their jaws dropped while Jane just laughed.

???: Jaune?

I look over to see Phyrra, she looked beautiful in casual wear.

Jaune: Hey Phyr, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow with me after class.  I realize I haven't been hanging with you as much and I don't want you to feel like I don't care. 

I lean and kiss her forehead, she was blushing hard and was nodding furiously. 

Phyrra: I'd love to!! 

She wraps her arms around me. And looks over to see my parents.

Jaune: Well I guess we are doing this huh.  Phyrra, meet my mom Juniper and my dad Nicholas.

Mom was smiling hard, and dad was happy.

Phyrra:  it's wonderful to meet you both!!

Juniper: Oh i love her already, I can't wait fir grandchildren!

Me and Phyrra turned deep deep red and looked away from each other.  Dad and Jane were giggling.

As I was calming down I realized something. 

Jaune:  You guys are right across from Rwby right?

Jane: Yeah wh- oh fuck.

The door to their dorm opened for us to see team RWBY laying on top of each other since they were being nosey. 

Ruby: hehe hi babe.

Blake and Weiss were giving jelous vibes while yang laughed.

Nicholas:  I'm so proud of you boy.

He wiped a tear from his eye.

Well at least tomorrow should be good... I just jinxed it huh?

Author: Hehe yeah.

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