The confession (final)

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Max pov: (few weeks go by) okay, you know what I'm gonna tell her today, but should I ask Neil for advice? No, I haven't even told him about Nikki, which I should've. You know what why not I mean it's never to late to tell him.
Neil pov: I've been noticing for the last couple of weeks how close Nikki and Max seem to have been around each other but I didn't really mind I thought until max walked into my tent "Neil I need you, so it may be sudden but I like Nikki and I was planning to tell her today, you got any advice?" Max asked, I wasn't surprised and honestly, I was kinda expecting one of the two to ask me for advice. (Neil gives Max advice about how to confess to Nikki, sorry I'm lazy-) "you got all that max?" "Yeah, thanks man wish me luck." "Anytime, good luck" I say as max walks out of the tent as I text Nikki to meet up with Max as he asked me to.
Nikki pov: I was just in my tent on my phone when I get a text from Neil telling me to go somewhere where max was. That's weird, I thought but I decided to go anyway. I'm all dressed in just some casual wear and I start walking to part of the forest where Neil told me to go and as I arrived I see max wearing a nice blue flannel, wow he was so handsome I thought.
Max pov: I'm waiting for Nikki when I see her walking up slowly with her hair down, I've never seen her with it down but she looked so beautiful. "H-hey Nik!" I said nervously "hey max! Did you want to meet me here?" "Uh y-yeah actually I did, I wanted to talk about something..important." "Oh what is it?"nikki asked as I try to pull my shit together without looking like a company dumbass. I then took a sigh before gently grabbing Nikkis hand and then I spoke " Nicholete, I know this may be a little sudden for the both of us but before I thought it was just a little crush, but I realized.. it's more than that and I love you..."
Nikki pov: after max had spoken I sit there thinking "OMG YES YES YES" I could just feel my heart exploding but I knew I had to respond quickly so I wouldn't look like a deer in the headlights. "M-max...I-I don't know what to say..but I love you too.." I looked into maxes green eyes as he then did the same. After a minute I wrap my arms around maxes neck as he leans in for a kiss. I was more happy then I could possibly be, having the boyfriend that's perfect.
Max pov: I kiss Nikki as my heart explodes with joy, Nikki wa so pretty and perfect I knew I could promise not to leave her I thought as we hug for a while and head back to camp happily and tell David, gwen, and neil the news.

The end. I hope this story was worth it but I hoped you enjoyed :3

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