A Partridge in a Pear Tree

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With the snow falling

One particular cookie was in their room looking out their pretzel window with frosted forming from the bitter cold

Wizard Cookie looked down at his paper and sighed, pulling his scarf over his lower face, 'why must this be so hard to get right!' He crumbled up the paper and threw it at the window.

Covering his eyes with his hands, 'only 12 days before Christmas and I still haven't completed this spell!' he lowered his head until it touched the desk.

He stayed like that until a tapping noise occurred at his window, looking up, he saw that it had started to rain!

Rain and snow? That was going to cause a terrible mess!

Wizard Cookie quickly stood up, threw on a coat and quickly made his way down the stairs grabbing a shovel.

opening the door, he was greeted with winter wonderland and the bitter wind, Cookies were either rushing home or to a shelter area to not become even more soggy with the rain, Wizard Cookie frowned, he pulled the hat down more hoping not not wanting his hair to become


Slowly, he shuffled out the door starting to shovel the snow off the walkway.

While shoveling it seemed the wind began to pick up along with the rain, "I need to hurry" He muttered

"Ah!" Almost falling over, Wizard Cookie quickly steady himself, the wind surely did just become rougher! He steady himself, wait.. he touched the top of his head, fluffy, he then touched around his neck.

"My scarf and my hat!" He searched around, how did the wind take my scarf!

Slowly moving across the icy ground Wizard made it to the road where Cookies were passing by every so often.


While walking down the street Gingerbrave was talking to Alchemist about the grand party

"So, you have your part done?" Gingerbrave took a sip of his hot cocoa

"Yep!" Alchemist pushed her glasses up

"Awesome! Now I just have to ask Espresso and Wizard Cookie!" He smiled lightly

"Mn" Alchemist nodded her head

"Well, thanks for telling me!" Gingerbrave stopped and turned.

"Of course, I want this party to go as smoothly as possible!" Alchemist huffed

Saying his goodbyes, Gingerbrave continued his walk, he didn't know where to go, he just went with the groove.

Suddenly something black and white came flying down hitting in the face covering his view

"Oof- ah? What's this.."

Gingerbrave removed the long cloth from his eyes, he looked down to see a blue hat, it looked familiar.

"Eh, where have I seen these before?" He took his chin into his hand and thought.

"Oh!" Gingerbrave's blue eyes widened with realization, "it's Wizard Cookie's hat and scarf! why are they here though..?" He looked up and searched for the mage

Nowhere to be found, he picked up the hat and put it on, an adventure has come!

Gingerbrave set off with a large grin as he made his way to Wizard Cookie's house.


"Stupid scarf.." Wizard mumbled as he made his way through the the snow

Just why? He needed to figure out this spell as soon as possible! Alchemist and Espresso probably already finished theirs! He stomped his feet into the ground, it was fine to lose his hat, he had others. But that scarf was very important to him! It hid his face!

12 Days of Cookie Christmas (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now