5 Golden Rings

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"How many rings?" Almond Cookie raised the coffee mug to his lips. 

"5, sir" the person on the phone said 

"What type?" He took a sip 


"Alright, call me if you have more information on the suspect" 

"Yes, sir!" 

Almond Cookie hang-up the phone, placing it in his pocket, he let out a sigh as he continued walking down the street.

He already knew who it was, he just prayed he was wrong for once in his life. 

He began to run.

"Might as well end this as quickly as I can" He muttered, "I still have to buy presents for walnut by this week.." 

While running he could hear a cookie choir singing. 

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Five golden rings~ 

How ironic. 

Once Almond made it to the famous jewelry shop, he walked inside wiping the sweat off his forehead. 

"Sir!" An officer ran up to him saluting 

Almond Saluted back,

"has any evidence been found?" Almond asked 

"Yes, a cookie crumbs were found on the ground by the exit window!" The officer pulled out a bag of small tan cookie crumbs.. 

"Is this all?" Almond looked at the crumbs, they're too dark to be theirs..

"Y-yes.." the officer smiled shyly 

"Alright, keep searching!" crossing his arms, he looked up at the stairs. 

"Yes!" The officer bowed, and quickly ran back to the crime scene

What are you planning this time..? Almond made his way to the stairs. 

Do these officers even bother checking other areas? He huffed as he made his way up the stairs

walking down a long hallway, he stopped at the third door. 

pushing the door open, he saw a familiar cookie studying a silver necklace. 

"Back away from the necklace and put your hands up!" Almond went through the same old monolog. 

"Ah!" The cookie jumped backwards covering their eyes with their cape. 

"Who- oh.." Roguefort eyes gleamed with curiosity, "do I need to change my tactics now? I haven't even stolen anything yet!" They lowered their cape and smiled. 

"Roguefort! Just hand over the golden rings!" He walked over to the cookie. 

Roguefort looked around, then in their pockets, "golden rings..hm" they thought for a moment. 

"Did these golden rings have anything special to them?" They looked at Almond Cookie


"Then why would I steal them?" Roguefort moved over to the other necklaces

Almond watch them as they admired a brown crystal necklace 

"You see this one?" They lifted it up, "this is a smoky quartz!"  laying it back down, they explain, "this is something I would steal for sure!" They continue walking around the area

"What's the difference between that and a golden ring?" Almond followed behind them 

"The difference is" they faced Almond, putting a finger on their lip they smiled, "I have many golden rings" they chuckled. 

12 Days of Cookie Christmas (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now